A Mom’s Note To Her Precious Young Man

We go through life learning from our mistakes and righting the wrong. Yet, there is one person who will always be there with us through it all!

We go through life learning from our mistakes and righting the wrong. Yet, there is one person who will always be there with us through it all!


As much as you hate to hear the truth out of my mouth, the truth will always remain the truth. I cannot sugarcoat and make you feel good about yourself when you’re doing something wrong. It is my duty to correct you and make sure you’re on the right track with the right attitude. There are times I’ve praised you to the sky and other times, run you down to the ground, but please understand that it’s for your own good.

You are an understanding sensible young man, growing better by the day. But some days are not so nice, like we all have our down days. It’s not your fault, but that doesn’t mean you forget to learn from your follies and change for the better.

”Humility should be your motto in life.”

A small piece of advice… surging anger, stubbornness and ego will majorly help you fall to the ground and I can’t let that happen to you. Yes, there are times you will fall and learn, but I’m trying my best to hold your hand, to help you get back on your feet.

No mother can be as happy or as sad, from seeing her children grow and shine with pride. Humility should be your motto in life, the higher you grow, the more humble you need to become. The minute you bring ego and pride, life will never treat you the same my dear.

You are still young and you have so much more to learn in life. I too thought I knew it all, while back then at your age. Honestly, we don’t know much. Life of course, will teach you best, put the right and wrong people, from whom you learn.

”Victorious you will shine.”

From every experience, every situation, some pleasant, some not, be smart to learn from it all. Choices you make, decisions you take, may not always be right, but make sure they’re fair. I can only guide you, hold your hand when you fall, clean your wounds, but the pain only you will feel.

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I may not be the best mom, yes I’m imperfect too. I try to do what best I know, though there are times I goof up, for which I apologise. Never hold on to negative emotion. One day you will realise you wasted  much time on unwanted people and things. It might be a bit too late to catch up on lost moments and times.

So, like I said, it’s your life and yours alone. Victorious you will shine with gratitude and a positive attitude. Never lose hope, never part with your values and principles however hard the situations sometimes maybe. Hold your tongue and say only what you mean, not to hurt another.

”Become a better version of your self.”

We all falter in ways we never thought we would. Your sensitivity is something you need to question and keep in check, likewise compassion! Each one of us are constantly evolving. Try to become a better version of yourself for your own self and none other.

And yes, if you don’t like the things I say sometimes, if I’m making you angry with my words, “Son, it means I’m doing my job well!”

And last but not the least, I’m always there for you no matter what, till my last breath….to hold your hand, to wash your wounds and wipe your tears and only to love!



Image Source: Pexels


About the Author

Joe Nair

Living in Chennai, mom of a 21 year old son. Homemaker, who loves music and travelling. Someone who loves to bring a smile on another’s face. Personally counsel friends and family, though not qualified. read more...

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