How Can You Prevent Breast Cancer?

Push past the awkwardness and take charge of your health so that Breast Cancer and other severe diseases don't attack your body.

Push past the awkwardness and take charge of your health so that Breast Cancer and other severe diseases don’t attack your body.

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers that affects women. While the illness is not always symptomatic, there are still many things you can do.  You can change your lifestyle, keep yourself educated about your body and keep your body healthier in general so that you remain out of the risk zone for severe diseases like Breast Cancer.

Regular Checkups

Make regular checkup appointments with your doctor that include breast exams. Push past the awkwardness and take charge of your health so that Breast Cancer and other severe diseases don’t attack your body. Always try to know which area the doctor is checking, ask pertinent questions regarding the checkup and precautions you could take to improve your health and remain safe.

the breast

Know Your History

Knowing that you are at a higher risk of developing breast cancer if close family members have been diagnosed, can feel scary but your family history can help you and your doctor assess the level of risk that you may have to this disease. These diseases are transmitted genetically throughout your family tree. Depending on the family history, the doctor can suggest screening plans, which can include not just regular breast exams and self exams, but a schedule for mammograms, MRIs or ultrasound, if necessary and take precautions so that the cancer can be eliminated at an early stage.

signs of breast cancer

 Self-Care of Your Body

Check yourself out regularly, even if it’s just a quick glance in the mirror. Being familiar with how your breasts normally look will help you identify any changes that are worth reporting to your doctor. There are a few things that you should be able to notice visually, such as:

  1. Significant changes in size
  2. Dimples, ridges or changes in texture
  3. Changes in your nipples
  4. Redness, rashes, sore or swelling

Communicate with your doctor if you find anything that worries you. 

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Switching Up Your Healthy Habits

Our lifestyle choices also affect our body. Unhealthy choices like smoking, can also put us at a higher risk for many health issues besides breast cancer. Making exercise a integral part of your regime will make you fit. Make sure your diet is filled with fruits and vegetables and less red meat. Limit your alcohol consumption. Switching up your habits for a healthier lifestyle can decrease the likelihood for breast cancer and other health conditions too.

reduce your breast cancer



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