Being A Mom! Standing By My Decision

My fear of losing a relationship just turned out to be my fear and nothing changed at home and this time, with a lot of support I am planning my second backpacking trip.

Marriage and motherhood – handling changes in life after marriage can be bewildering. And life after a child can often be disastrous for an Indian woman.

I am one of those women who always wanted to fit in a man’s life and design my life accordingly. I am also one of those women who would risk anything to give what needs to be given to my girl.

No I am not a split personality. And YES, I am a MOTHER.

One fine day, I realized that my daughter has’t faced anything tough in life. She has always been in her luxury provided by her Techie parents. I am a firm believer in the lessons learnt by experience and what could be better than travelling. So I decided to backpack with her.

How many parents/husbands let their daughters/wives travel alone with the child in India? I was given a thousand reasons of not doing this trip even before I told them I was travelling alone. I never told them I was travelling alone after the reactions I received from the family until I came back.

The day had arrived and we were ready to depart. This was when I had butterflies in my stomach, a pull back, a fear and a lot of mixed emotions. By now my Dad and my husband were not on talking terms with me as I was adamant of taking this trip. That day was when I thought I have lost every relationship I had made just to give my daughter experiences and prepare her to the real life out there.

I took a deep breath, looked at the little one and boarded the flight with a lot of dilemma in my head and I swear that had been the best trip of our lives till day and that trip gave me a lesson about taking decisions about what is important and what is not. My fear of losing a relationship just turned out to be my fear and nothing changed at home and this time, with a lot of support I am planning my second backpacking trip. But if I hadn’t gone that day, I wouldn’t have been able to take a stand ever I believe.

This is the one true experience I had to believe in myself and prioritize my decisions.

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A version of this was first published here.

Image via Istockphotos


About the Author

Gautami Reddivari

A warrior mother breaking barriers of emotional blackmails to raise my daughter the way I want her to grow. read more...

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