The Sad State Of Today’s Education System

How can a teacher help to safeguard the interests of the society if she is kept in shackles and is burdened with meaningless clerical work?

Death of education!

Did I read it correct? You may ask. Yes, what you read and what you are going to read will make you accept today’s depleting situation in the sphere of education.

A nation which was once considered the home of education has turned into a money minting business without any ethics.

An era where Guru was revered is now looked down upon. Who is responsible for such a degradation, the teaching fraternity, the system or the circumstances where knowledge is just a means to end? The manifold duties and responsibilities a teacher needs to shoulder along with teaching has increased. Teaching has taken a backstage in the day to day curriculum but she is questioned when the QPI of the school goes down.

The degradation in the quality of the students (ones admitted in the school is the responsibility of the school and the role played by the parents is miniscule) due to, too much of exposure to the virtual world and the disregard to the norms set.

What are we trying to create of the generations and generations to come is a raging question everyone of us need to ask? A generation of people who live in the virtual world devoid of any compassion and love. Educating only to be a machine whose sole target is to slog for a week for 18-20 hours and spend the weekends in the pubs with people who have nothing to do with you otherwise?

How can a teacher help to safeguard the interests of the society if she is kept in shackles and is burdened with meaningless clerical work? How are the records going to help the child to mould and improve himself when the teacher is busy with the records?

A teacher’s role has escalated. She is not just an imparter of knowledge but a psychologist, a parent, an adventurer, a motivator and an emotional healer. And a teacher has to don all these roles with the efficiency of an expert as it’s the need of the time.

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If a teacher is not given a free hand (of course with some control) to take care of what she needs to focus on, it won’t be too long where we all will mourn over the sad state and the deteriorating situation and the death of education and it will be none other than us to be blamed for it, whether it be a parent, a teacher, the institution or students.

I end with this quote of mine, “I mourn as a teacher as I feel the pain of being helpless, for not being able to do what I can do, When I know I have the power to create a generation of fabulous humans”.

Image via Pexels


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