My Journey With My Tiny Teachers #Mother’sDay

Motherhood helped me explore my hidden strength and taught me how to handle my weaknesses.

I am a mother of two kids, whom I call my teachers. It may sound weird but despite two professional degrees, the lessons that motherhood taught me are more applicable in professional life. I am a lawyer by profession, writer by hobby, mother by default, wife by happiness, Daughter/daughter-in-law by blessings.

Writing was always an inherent part of me. I don’t remember a moment when writing did not help me survive but simultaneously, I wanted to bring about some change in the society. They say ‘be the change you want to see’ and therefore, post motherhood, I decided to be the change that I wanted the society to implement. Often, when one gets married and is about to have a child, people mostly friends advise you that your career will take a backseat once your children arrive and one must think through the decision of being a mother.

Yes my children are my priority but that does not mean that I will ignore my dreams and forget who I am. Motherhood helped me explore my hidden strength and taught me how to handle my weaknesses. As a human being it is ok to fail because at the end of the day, for my children they need a mom and not an all rounder. My children taught me that it is ok for me to fulfill my hidden it once again performing in front of a live audience or writing my heart out to posting fancy pictures on social media. Though they are too young to understand what their mom is doing, them staying without me for a few hours itself is a big support for me.

I do not believe in helicopter parenting and I am not raising my children as my old age security. I want my children to be strong individuals, who can stand against any storm in their lives.

Whenever, I was on stage I was often asked one question, for some random reason at those college fashion shows. “Would you select family or career?”. My answer then and now to this question remains the same, My career is something that makes me who I am today and without my family it is next to impossible to survive in my career. So for me both are not an option, its just about striking the right balance. Motherhood has taught me to strike this right balance.


Yes, my life is not perfect, but I do not believe in perfection. I also have my crazy days, when everything goes wrong, there are days and weeks, when things are a mess, because I am a normal human being. For my children to have a normal family life, I need to set an example myself. I cannot expect my children to excel in their profession unless they see the perks of education or having a good profession through me. I cannot expect my children to stay happily with their spouses until and unless they do not see me and their father happily adjusting to things.

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That’s my simple ongoing journey of motherhood.



Image via Pixabay


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