Journey From An Idea To An Initiative Through ISDM (Indian School of Development Management)

Choices are all this life is about and key to success is taking the responsibility of those choices and trudging along.

What is ISDM to me?
I could have never imagined that life would become so simple and yet so tough at the same time! I experienced this after I joined ISDM. Gradually, I started taking things in my stride and enjoyed each day that I spent there.

The impact of ISDM in my life is tremendous. I will explain this through some examples here.

Whenever I had roadblocks, confusion, self-doubt and so on, I went to someone at ISDM for help, and what I got in return were more questions to think about!  Certainly, not the best thing for a person who was already in a mess.

But now I know, they tried to expand our horizons of thinking through this method because answers are everywhere…we just need someone to locate the right path to reach them.

It was definitely not an easy course to go through, and what’s the fun in getting things easily. More than anything, ISDM has taught me to be on a path of self-awareness. I don’t know where I have reached on this path but my journey is going well!

Now, when I reflect back, I see that I took certain choices that had consequences and I lived up to them. Choices are all this life is about and key to success is taking the responsibility of those choices and trudging along. So yeah, reflection is one thing that is continuously taught at ISDM which is what tells us that we have moved in life, we have changed in life and we have grown in life.

It’s amazing to learn new concepts and what’s more amazing is to practice what you have learnt, and this we get to do at ISDM, in our respective groups where we created hypothetical organizations and practised the concepts we learnt in classes.

The practical challenges of implementing things in a diverse group, decision making, etc taught me that there is no right or wrong. We just have to make choices which are right in that particular situation…at that point in time and then we live up to them or make another one while balancing other things and that’s what life is about.

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ISDM gave me the confidence, knowledge and everything else needed to start an enterprise that I was wanting to, for the last three years. Generally, I make big choices depending on my gut feeling, and for this choice I needed gut feeling with a solid explanation to myself and ISDM helped me to make one. This happened when we worked on making virtual organizations with my amazing group and in social enterprise elective course.

Talking about the organisation I started last year, Harit Griha is in the process of evolving itself, on its own. Harit Griha provides simple solutions to make sustainable infrastructures and reconnect humans to nature. Presently, we are covering the waste management area, to begin with, where we are working with Municipality, Schools and Individual houses.

Before hitting the ground, I almost knew what shape I wanted the organisation to take but when the rubber hit the ground I realised very quickly that plans fail and we need to immediately change and adapt.

Government/Administration was never there in my stakeholder list but it became a prominent stakeholder in just a few months. That is when I decided I will just respond to the ecosystem keeping the vision in my mind till the foundation of the organisation becomes strong. And, the journey continues.

ISDM is one of the best things that has ever happened to me and I wish if everyone can go through something like this at least once in a lifetime……….

Image via Pixabay


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