Mantras For A Woman

Most of the times women try to make everyone happy. In this effort, we ruin our own happiness. Find your own pleasure to be happy, positive and energetic.

Hey there! Happy Women’s Day to each and every unique woman of this world. You are so special and so precious. As much as I could understand about a woman, all women of this world are beautiful, intelligent, attractive, smart, brave and unique in their own ways. They are different from each other, and at the same time, they are so similar to each other.

They can do anything and achieve everything. Some of them have already done it, some of us are doing it, and some of us are waiting for the right time. We are the support system for each other and great motivators too. We are stepping up in the ladder of success step by step.
We can see so many quotations from women, for women. Each of us is revealing a unique side of being a woman when faced with difficult situations.

Quotes talk about a woman’s Wisdom, Power, Strength, and Emotions. Quotations empower us and motivate us. They provide guidance too. Most of the time quotations related to a woman power energises, rejuvenates and pampers us each day. They give us the right and positive way of thinking. When we feel low, these quotes boost up our inner strength, love and care. Some simple but strong quotes every woman should try reading daily for their own good.

Here I’m trying to summarize some of my very own, quotations which I follow every day.

1) Keep Smiling

Smile kills all negativity and gives positive energy, not to you only, but the person who is witnessing this smile. It’s true, so don’t lose your smile. Find the reason to smile every day. Keep your bitter past and bad memories away from today. Think and talk about only good things that have happened to you. Only then can you smile from your heart and this smile is real and radiant for sure.

2) It’s Okay

Don’t be so harsh for yourself, don’t try to become perfect in each and everything. Sometimes something goes wrong unknowingly, it’s okay to do some mistakes. Don’t punish yourself for those mistakes. Take it easy, it’s okay not be perfect all the time.

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3) Practice saying No

Saying ‘No’ is very important, especially at the time when you are about to lose your inner peace or health. To stay in your comfort zone and to be mentally peaceful, start saying No. Know your limits and be aware of your pressure points, and say ‘No’ if you are pushing yourself too hard.

4) Don’t bother too much about others

What others are thinking about you, don’t bother too much about it. You know yourself better than anyone else, you know what are you trying to say, but others are not ready to understand. You can’t change everyone’s opinion. You can try to make them understand but after certain efforts leave them, and don’t bother too much about “Log kya kahenge“.

5) Be true to yourself

Be true to yourself, for every matter. Make your views and opinions absolutely clear. Don’t be in dilemma, take a decision on any matter and stay strong on your decisions. Listen to your own inner voice.

6) Listen to your heart and train your mind

Follow your gut feeling and your own aura. Listen to your heart and follow your sixth sense. Your heart and sixth sense know better. It’s the mind that confuses. So train your mind to listen to your heart and do the analysis of the sixth sense with wisdom.

7) Let free

Don’t abandon yourself in bad thoughts in any situation. Don’t spoil your mood for a day or weeks by thinking about one unpleasant thing. Make yourself free from it. Freedom is never given. It is taken. Just let it go and free yourself from all negativity and anxiety.

8) Don’t strictly follow the Dos And Don’ts

There are so many Dos and Don’ts for a woman. Some are given by family, some by society and some we make for ourselves. Following them, all the time makes us upset and unhappy. Break some rules some times for your own internal happiness.

9) Don’t be heavy-hearted

Don’t go to the bed with a heavy heart, solve the matter before sleeping. This is applicable to family, friends, and relatives too. Communication gap kills or creates distances in many relationships. So clear all the doubts and forgive everyone before going to bed. Don’t sleep with a heavy heart.

10) Wipe your tears

It’s okay to be sad, to feel sorrow, and to cry but wipe your tears as soon as it is possible for you. Don’t wait for anyone or for any good moment. Every day is a fresh and a new day, don’t start it with sadness. Wipe your own tears with the fragrance of happiness.

11) Spend time with yourself

Each and every day spend some time with yourself. Listen to music, dance, whistle, or read a book or write something. Do some yoga, exercise, play some game, or follow your hobby. And if you don’t have any idea what to do? Just put the lip gloss on, powder up your face, put kohl in your eyes or spray perfume or just change your dress and go outside your house for a walk.

12) Be happy, be positive and be energetic

This is most important for any woman to be happy. We do a lot of things to make almost everyone happy. Whatever we say this is a woman’s basic nature. Most of the time we take it as a challenge that we’ll make everyone happy. In this effort, we ruin our own happiness, positivity and energy. Find your own pleasure to be happy, positive and energetic.

You can get positivity, happiness and energy very easily. But How? Just try below-listed points.

  • Talk to your mother/sister.
  • Talk and meet your friend/friends.
  • Go for an outing or shopping with family/friends.
  • Develop your hobby.
  • Participate in community or family programmes.
  • If you feel good with someone, spend time with him/her.

Last but not the least it is very important as a woman to “celebrate the woman inside you”, “be only you”, “just the way you are”. Feel the importance of being a unique woman, who is more precious than anything else in this world. “Love your own aura and energy”, “feel your presence”.

Spread your positivity and radiant smile to your loved ones. You are charming. Spread your charm all around you. You can do magic. “Be magical”. BE YOU.



About the Author


Founder & Director of CHHAYAnke Charitable Trust. Taking care of Child & Woman's safety & security. An Early Childhood Educator & Social Activist. read more...

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