Catch 23

The extra chromosome only makes them a bit more lovable, giving them the extra cuteness quotient!

This is the first piece that comes to my mind… i still remember my little Manha handed by the nurse to me .. a bundle of soft cotton wool was how she felt in my arms. She was a bright eyed and chubby cheeked little baby. The most endearing quality about her is her innocence and utmost selfless affection.The challenges of developmental milestones have been a rough ride especially when every child has been given fixed parameters.

However when I learnt that she was a Down’s syndrome child…I was a bit apprehensive about raising her well. Although it is challenging to raise a child with special needs but these kids are the most loving munchkins on earth. I would never know how to part with my cute doll and angel ever. Her eyes exuded an innocence which superseded my motherly expectations. My elder teenager would shy away to plant a kiss on my cheek but Manha would radiate her warmth with warm hugs and loads of kisses each morning.

As she grew older, I found her squinting occasionally. Sure enough, after an eye checkup I discovered that her eye muscles were weak therefore she needed glasses.

The spectacles gave her a geeky potter look. Suddenly she started to look more adorable than ever.

I worked mostly with my motherly instincts to gauge her needs. Though kids her age were chatterboxes but  her speech was slurred and delayed. We at home kept encouraging her to open up and to not shy away. We also tried to understand her nomenclature for various things as well as people.

It’s a roller coaster ride where at times one does feel defeated as kids her age were far ahead in academia.Humans are psychologically conditioned to compete in the rat race .But here I was grateful for her smallest accomplishments.

Keyboard for her was a natural talent and she loved to sing her rhymes on the notes she played. No formal training though just an innate talent for music and singing.

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Motherhood is a joy known to the blessed. Everyday i thank God for giving me my little Manha. Material things can never give u as much contentment as having these little people. They make u complete as a human being and chisel your personality. We stop taking things for granted after becoming parents. Parenting is a huge responsibility and not so effortless as our mums made it look. The extra chromosome only makes them a bit more lovable, giving them the extra cuteness quotient!


Image via Pixabay


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