Am I Multitalented?

Let the world think that a female becomes weak after being a mother. Let them forget us, but we can make our own way.

Sometimes I look back to analyse myself. My career path was a very smooth one. The desire of earning in 5 figures, reaching at the top, travelling and recognition; I achieved everything in my 10 years of work life. But then one day, I decided to leave my job as I had to take care of my little one. I thought life will be easy as I would be doing only one thing. But I proved myself wrong. As the days passed, I started to feel inferior to those women who went to office. I started missing my 5 figures salary, office chitchat, work, everything.

I felt myself detached from everything except for my daughter. Somewhere, I could feel a special bond growing in between both of us. A year passed, I decided to move back to the workforce but was lest aware of what I was going to face.  Every company I cleared the interview, I was finally rejected on the basis that how shall I manage my daughter and work as my husband stayed out of the country. I could not convince them that it is all up to me to manage, but I failed. It only gave me an impression that once a mother, you become good for nothing for the world.

I was moving closer to depression, when one day at a function that held at my daughter’s school, I wrote a poem in a competition. When I read the poem in front of everyone, they were all dumbstruck and then everyone applauded. After a long time, I felt as if I achieved something again. I decided to take up writing. I started searching the internet and landed on many parenting platforms. I started to share my real-time experiences with my daughter as blogs. Time passed and I got recognised as a blogger. I made a collection of those blogs and converted them into a book. I became a published author of my first book ‘A little girl and her big world’. I was back to my social network. I updated my work on LinkedIn and all my ex-colleagues congratulated telling me that I am multitalented, as I have had shifted from an HR professional to an author. And then there was no looking back, writing and writing more became my passion and my bread and butter. I was ranked among the top 10 most beloved bloggers among 18000 for the year 2018 by a recognised parenting platform.

Let the world think that a female becomes weak after being a mother. Let them not give us a job after a break. Let them forget us, but we can make our own way just the way I made because talent cannot be hidden. So, if I say that I am multitalented, then am I wrong?


Image source: Pixbay


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