Want Your Team To Succeed? You need To Create Harmony At Work

Harmony at work and at home can be defined as an adaption of the human mind to the environment and also to the fellow human beings who work or live with him.

Harmony at work and at home can be defined as an adaption of the human mind to the environment and also to the fellow human beings who work or live with him.

Not many authors emphasize the role of harmony at work. A positive environment between the person and the environment and between the person and people around him or her results in a release of positive chemicals which can lead to an increase in willpower, energy levels, and performance resulting in stunning achievements. This is typically demonstrated in sports when the team is cheered by supporters, and there is immense team spirit and comradery among the team members.

On the contrary, a negative environment where the culture of the organization is toxic in nature or the person is surrounded by people who are not motivating or discouraging by nature can interfere with hormones to such an extent that the individual might lose his confidence and sink into an abyss.

This assumes great importance particularly in the personal context because a spouse has a great influence on the state of one’s mind and harmony in general. It is not uncommon to see spouses making or breaking each other’s career.

Similarly, in the professional setup, lack of harmony is often the most common cause for why employees leave the organization and business partnerships break. How do we increase harmony at work? It is up to the leaders to set up the right culture at work. We should never be lackadaisical about setting up values and culture in the organization. It is important to ensure that both management and employees are working towards common goals. Training the employees in culture and values is very helpful.

Hold everyone equally accountable for work expected from them. Define job roles and KPIs very clearly and monitor at regular intervals. Build a strong feedback mechanism. Having well-defined processes will avoid a lot of heartburn and rework. Offer support at all times, even if it means dirtying your own hands in case of missed timelines. Establish good work-life balance. Avoid unfair rewards and bonuses at any cost.

Last but not the least, an open door policy helps and employees feel heard in such organizations. There should be consistent effort to hear the employees, keep the ears to the ground.  Socialize outside of work to know your employees better.  Similarly, encourage teams to work together.  Training teams on empathy has shown great results in improving harmony.

First published here.

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