All You Need To Know About WWN Chapter Meets

Women’s Web has recently launched chapter meets in different cities, bringing women from varied backgrounds together. Here is a peek into the meets that happened so far.

Women’s Web has recently launched chapter meets in different cities, bringing women from varied backgrounds together. Here is a peek into the meets that happened so far.

The idea behind having a chapter meet is to get women together from the same city to discuss and brainstorm with one another on a particular issue that we all face, usually in our careers or when starting out. Sometimes, looking at the same problem with a different pair of eyes gives simple solutions to long-standing issues. And in general, women feel comfortable discussing the ideas/issues with fellow women from different backgrounds without the feeling of being judged. This forum is open to all women who are salaried employees, entrepreneurs, students, on career breaks or home makers! If you haven’t yet signed up, join up for your city now.

Just to give a glimpse of how the event goes – it is actually a simple process wherein we follow certain activities as given below

  1. Introduce ourselves
  2. Pick a common problem that we all face in our work on a day-to-day basis
  3. Share our stories from the past when we encountered a similar issue
  4. Listen to other women and their stories, including the ones when they overcame the issue
  5. Brainstorm with each other and offer solutions
  6. Chart out an action plan and tentative time range to work on our list
  7. Have some hot chai and go back home happy with the feeling of time well spent and knowing that we are not alone in our struggles and the best part – having clarity on how to tackle the issue going forward.

WWN Chapter meets have happened in 4 cities so far, starting with my city Bangalore and then in Mumbai, Delhi and Hyderabad. Here is what our coordinators from different cities have to say about the meets.

Chandrima Pal – Bangalore

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The concept that Women’s Web readers (non-readers are also welcome) would come together and discuss on topics of their relevance in an informal meet fascinated me immediately. I got the opportunity to coordinate the first ever WWN meet in Bangalore. I came out of the meet holding hands of new like minded friends, real life stories on negotiation and a “look forward” thought for next WWN meeting.

Here are few lessons learnt from WWN meet and the topic of discussion was Negotiation and women.

  • Women tend to not discuss salary with peers and miss the opportunity to know the competitive salary structure for their roles.
  • When working for start-ups, we empathize a lot. We even end up demanding less salary and work more.
  • Being aware about the job market, reaching out to others with similar experience as yours, creating a network, and finding more than one opportunities are some factors that position you in a stronger footage when it comes to negotiation.

Jainee Gandhi – Mumbai


Women’s Web is an amazing platform; the write-ups are always a fantastic read and with city meet ups women’s web is creating a wonderful touch point platform for like minded women to meet.

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Our first Mumbai meet happened in July, on negotiation skills. The meet was such an eye-opener; there was no expert to discuss or give answers to our queries, we were discussing the problems we face and realized that people have gone through similar issues and this is some learning and unlearning that we can benefit from. The key takeaway for the negotiation was that it starts from personal life and goes till professional and sometimes the solutions are very similar!

I want more and more women to meet; sometimes we are so involved in our work and our methodology that an outsider’s perspective is always refreshing, plus an added benefit of Networking.

Arunima Shekhar – Delhi

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Women’s Web is one of the most interesting portals available to working women in India, owing primarily to the perfect mix of articles. There is something to engage every reader and writer. WW has successfully created a strong network of women, all learning from and supporting each other and with the WWN meet-ups, Women’s Web has taken a step further to strengthen this bond.

The first WWN Delhi meet up in July was on negotiation skills. The attendees were a mix of corporate professionals and entrepreneurs, with experiences ranging from 6 years to 25+ years, with different marital statuses. This range becomes important, since every person had a differing experience with negotiations, both in their professional as well as personal life. Every person’s story presented valuable learning for the others. The key takeaway from the discussion was that if you never ask for something, you don’t stand a chance to get it.

WWN meet ups are a great way to network and build a stronger support system with other women professionals. Do attend them. Sometimes discussions with like-minded people really help you objectify problems and their solutions

Trisheetaa Tej – Hyderabad

WWN chapter meets

WWN is the collaborative get-together of the most eloquent, conscious and special women. The voices come together to meet, greet, talk, share and discuss about their experiences in their professional lives and careers. These voices also talk about stories and phases from their life which will help fellow women to learn, understand and be inspired with light and love.

Our first meet was organized in the month of August. We always have a plethora of topics to discuss. Since there is so much to discuss and talk about, there is one topic that is decoded in each meet. The best part is that all the participants have equal opportunities to share and express their views on the decided topic for the meet.

Though we had just a few participants, the ideology and the momentum of the meet were well-established. From grabbing know-how about career growth, professional development and learning to tips and tricks tricks to deal with challenges at work to dealing with clients and social media marketing, the WWN community chapter meets cover a huge variety of useful topics.

I am glad to have been associated with the team of Women’s Web as the coordinator for the WWN Hyderabad chapter.

Excited to participate in our next city meet? Come register with us to be part of the next chapter meet. Please let us know if you don’t find your city’s name in the list and are willing to be the coordinator for the same – you can be the first one to have started a chapter meet in your city!


About the Author

Sowmya Baruvuri

Loves to click pictures, dance, cook, travel, craft, read and write! read more...

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