[VIDEO] Apurva Purohit: You Don’t Have To Be A Suffering Sita!

Are you plagued by the spectre of the ‘ideal woman’? At BreakingBarriers, Apurva Purohit, CEO, Radiocity talks of why women need to value themselves.

Are you plagued by the spectre of the ‘ideal woman’? At BreakingBarriers, Apurva Purohit, CEO, Radiocity talks of why women need to value themselves. 

I read a quote some time back,  “I am here to live, not to impress!”

Yes, we do live for ourselves as well as our families but at the same time, why do we need to pile on the guilt  if we are not able to cook a meal on one day? And why do we have to carry the guilt to the next day, ruining our peace at work?

No matter how much a woman has achieved for herself, the constant guilty feeling that – you are not able to be a perfect home-maker, like the one in the neighbourhood or movies or among your relatives, keeps chasing you. The world might not sweet enough to pat you on your back and say that it is ok to not to be perfect, but we need to be realistic with ourselves and just do our best.


As a woman at work or as a woman entrepreneur, you have already struggled professionally and personally to reach the stage you are at. We need to accept that we can achieve much more when we show our confidence instead of our struggles while putting across our ideas – that is what Apurva Purohit, CEO of Radiocity, and Author of Lady, You’re Not A Man has to say in this video.

Even when we want to buy something from a certain vendor, as a customer we see the ease of transaction and the quality of the product, rather than acknowledge their struggles, isn’t it? So is the case with investors, that when they want to put in money in your business, they want to see your confidence and what you can do, rather than only your challenges.

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In this amazing video at our last #BreakingBarriers event for women entrepreneurs held in March, Apurva Purohit tells us to stop being Suffering Sitas and focus on making our dream projects come alive!

Attend our next Breaking Barriers To Growth: The Money Edition event in Bangalore, for more such inspiring sessions as well as ideas on how to grow your business, manage money and secure funding.



About the Author

Sowmya Baruvuri

Loves to click pictures, dance, cook, travel, craft, read and write! read more...

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