Take Forward Dr. Abdul Kalam’s Teaching With These 4 Beautiful Quotes

These 4 beautiful quotes by Dr.Abdul Kalam encapsulate some of his best teaching and help us take his life's teachings ahead.

These 4 beautiful quotes by Dr.Abdul Kalam encapsulate some of his best teaching and help us take his life’s teachings ahead.

The whole nation was struck by grief when news of the death of India’s eleventh President Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam flashed across TV screens and social media. It was a shocking one and anyone who admired him (most of the nation, I am sure!) had a difficult time coming to terms with it.

As an admirer, I sat thinking of what could be the best tribute to him. So many random thoughts flitted through my mind and then I finally decided to write this post. We don’t really have to become scientists like him to pay Dr. Kalam a befitting tribute. For someone as versatile and capable as him, taking forward his lessons of life would be the best thing to do. We are lucky to have been a part of the world when he was alive but that must not stop our children from living their lives with the beliefs he tried to spread. He never claimed to be a Godman and was not hooked to the luxuries of life, although he made a great name for himself.

Here are four quotes from the late Dr. Kalam that I find most inspiring. They have the power to motivate anyone to make it big in their own ways. These quotes reinforce in us the confidence to be ourselves, work towards our goals and be focussed while being humble. These being the ultimate ingredients to a wonderful life, we must begin now!

As a tribute to Dr. Kalam, I have included what these quotes mean to me and how they have been inspiring me to live an awesome life.

1. My message, especially to young people is to have courage to think differently, courage to invent, to travel the unexplored path, courage to discover the impossible and to conquer the problems and succeed. These are great qualities that they must work towards. This is my message to the young people.

This quote talks about the ultimate power of youth and their capacity to take challenges head on and make their own paths to success. Isn’t this something we all want to do when young and energetic? With someone as great as Dr. Kalam talking about it, it is even more convincing to be fearless in pursuit of our own paths. Unexplored or uncertain paths help us discover ourselves and bring us the confidence of becoming comfortable with uncertainties. After all, life is all about uncertain twists and turns.

2. God, our Creator, has stored within our minds and personalities, great potential strength and ability. Prayer helps us tap and develop these powers.

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This quote beautifully addresses the need to strike balance with our inner selves. Whatever the level of modernity we have reached and continue to explore, God remains the almighty and it is a good idea to be in touch with him through ourselves. The blessings from the Almighty are there for everyone, equally. It depends on us to recognize and put them to good use. It is important to take charge of our own lives.

3. When we tackle obstacles, we find hidden reserves of courage and resilience we did not know we had. And it is only when we are faced with failure do we realise that these resources were always there within us. We only need to find them and move on with our lives.

Dr. Kalam has conveyed the secret of life in this quote. Fall, rise and live on. If only we understand why we failed and take a lesson from the failure, it is the greatest blessing as it helps us uncover our potential that would have been unexplored otherwise. Knowing your own capacities and stretching them further to reach new heights is life’s goal. No hurdle can ever be great enough to stop life from happening.

4. One of the very important characteristics of a student is to question. Let the students ask questions.

Curiosity is an indicator that you are learning something new. Just as when we are kids, we ask all sorts of questions without the fear of being judged, as grownups, we must continue to do it. A student can learn only when he questions his teachers, parents and everyone around. The moment we start assuming that something was meant to be, we stop using our potential to the fullest. It is mean to do that to ourselves. Also, as teachers and parents, it is our prime duty to encourage our students and children to ask questions.

May the great soul rest in peace and continue to show us all the righteous path to follow in life. May we all have the courage to follow his teachings for however great, men will remain to be mortals but their teachings are what remain with us even when they are gone.

Rest in peace, Sir!


About the Author

Shruti Aparajita

A SEO and Google Analytic certified content expert, I took to freelancing after 4 years of a corporate job to explore and enjoy more things in life. I am a wife to a super awesome read more...

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