How I Signed Up For Letting My Heart Go Walking Around Outside My Body

A lovely personal account of choosing to become a mother, and what life offers you on becoming a mother.

A lovely personal account of choosing to become a mother, and what life offers you on becoming a mother. 

When I look at my 2 month old baby sleeping on my lap, satisfied after nursing for a half hour, I often wonder, how did this miracle land up in my life? The baby was just a thought up to a year back and now he is here. And then I realize, oh, I made him. All of him. These tiny little fingers, that beautiful curve of his lips, the peach coloured skin, I made all of him.

Why did I decide to have a baby? Frankly, in my mind there was never any other way. Having a child was always the plan. Like millions of women, I always wanted to get married at an ‘appropriate’ age, and then eventually have kids. Preferably two.

Having a baby seemed the most natural, instinctive thing to do.

Then when I started seriously thinking about it, I realised that this baby business was a permanent fixture, an irreversible act, which will be our responsibility at least for the next 18 years. Were we in the state of mind to make a lifelong commitment we cannot run away from?

I had read a lot of articles where women/men said most people have babies to make their life complete. That was not true for me. I felt complete enough. I have a good career, a challenging job and a baking and blogging hobby which filled my weekends. The husband and I love to travel and we travel very often. So I felt completely satisfied as it is. Even without the baby I had a big list of things I wanted to do. Accomplishing those would already take a lifetime.

So having babies to feel complete was out.

The second common reason was ‘wanting to live your life, fulfil your dreams through your kids’. Hell, no. I have to live my life, be happy with the way I do things and only then can I provide a stable, fulfilling life to my kids. I never once thought that I will live out my dreams through my kids. My dreams are my own. I want to fulfil them. Our kids will have a life based on their aspirations, their view of the world. Some of our goals may coincide and I hope they will want to do some things their parents like to do, but that’s about it. Thank you.

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Then why do I want kids?

Because it would make me complete.


Clichéd as it is, that’s the truth. Till now I have been a daughter, a sister, niece, wife, daughter-in-law etc. But not yet a mother. It is one important role I get to play in life only after I have kids. So much has been written and said about ‘mom’ that I wouldn’t miss being that person even for a heartbeat. In a strange way, I want to live up to that image. I want my children to grow up into enriched individuals and look back at their childhood and say, “It was good”.

My mom is my shrink. There is nothing in the world that she doesn’t understand by merely looking at me and nothing she can’t solve by a few soothing words and a warm bear hug only moms are capable of giving. I want to be my child’s shrink. I can’t give up on being that amazing person for my child as my mom is for me.

Also, I want kids so that I can look at life from a different point of view. Life makes us all cynics. Growing up takes us away from innocence, one day at a time. I want to see things from my little child’s perspective. Everything in the world that we take for granted, is new for them. I don’t remember the first time I saw a dog, or sat in a Ferris wheel or felt rain pouring down my face. But I will see my children discover all these things and I will capture those moments as if they were my own.

I want to take a swing so high that the world looks tiny. Dance in the rain, sing silly songs, go running after a butterfly, or simply kneel in front of a dog and stick out my tongue like he does. Only a little kid will give me the liberty of doing such childish acts. With him. And to look at the world through a wonder filled kaleidoscope.

It is a going to be a beautiful journey, but right now I write this when my days and nights have morphed into one unending time slot of 24 hours which is on a continuous loop of feeding, burping, nappy changing, soothing and back to feeding again. But yes, I still want kids.

Image of little feet via Shutterstock


About the Author

Rutvika Charegaonkar

I am a Chartered Accountant and a storyteller, along with being a food blogger. Baking and writing comes easier to me than does Accounting standards, and hence CA-giri is done only for sustenance and read more...

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