This Mother’s Day, Spend Some Time With Children Who Miss The Love Of Mothers?

The best time to do some good is always now, and by now I mean Mother’s Day – join the Mother’s Recipe initiative to spend time with children who have lost their parents.

The best time to do some good is always now, and by now I mean Mother’s Day – join the Mother’s Recipe initiative to spend time with children who have lost their parents.

My heart skipped a beat as he was holding my finger, his mouth curved in a smile reaching his ears and his eyes glowing in happiness as I handed him the gift. My heart was never more filled with joy than at that moment.

My mother explained to me that these kids were special – they had been left behind by their parents but adopted by some large-hearted people who had created a children’s home.

From then on, I saved every little thing I could, like pens, pencils, extra chocolates and everything else I could lay my hands upon…I couldn’t wait to share it with my newfound friends. I couldn’t wait to be around them and when I was, the greater happiness was mine as the air was filled with laughter and innocence. There was a sense of completeness and fulfilment within me. I sent up a silent prayer to make this moment last forever and thanked my mother for showing me what it means to experience unconditional love.

It struck a chord in me and I truly started appreciating the value of all that I thought I possessed. I started to save some of my pocket money to buy things for the little boy who had held my hand and for his friends. Had my mother given in to my incessant demands of having a lavish party, I would have definitely missed out on what sharing meant in its truest and purest form.

Ever since, it has become a family ritual of sorts, to spend some quality time with children living in such homes, for any reason like special occasions or just to spend a day with them. I promised myself to be a small part in their lives and with the grace of god, am continuing to do so.

Following in my mother’s steps, I wanted to impart the same feeling and teach my kids what it is to be blessed truly. I started my daughter on this journey at a young age as she spent some time with the kids, including her first few birthdays. She is now at this stage where she can ask questions and we thought this would be the best time to introduce her to the other side of life.

On Mother’s Day, let’s share the Mother’s Recipe for love!

mothers-dayIt is exactly for this reason that Mother’s Recipe, makers of traditional Indian Food, have come up with this concept of spreading love and spending time with children who were deprived of their mother’s love.

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This unique initiative by the Mother’s Recipe team asks for only one thing from you: A little bit of your time. All you need to do is spend a little time to play, laugh, eat and enjoy yourself with such children to create memories of a special day that they could hold on to forever.

This initiative is happening in Mumbai, and to participate, sign up here. You can also call in at +91 91676 14639 for more information. If you are not in Mumbai, you can still participate – all you need to do is share the info with Mumbai based friends and suggest this as a worthy Mother’s Day activity!

Come, Let us spread mother’s love to those who are deprived of it and make it a memorable day not only for them, but ourselves too.

This post is supported by the Mother’s Recipe CSR campaign to share Mother’s Day with children who have lost their parents. Mother’s Recipe, a brand owned & managed by Desai Brothers Limited, represents the delicious union of authentic taste with rich tradition. With ingredients of the highest quality, Mother’s Recipe packs a blend of Mother’s love & Grandmother’s tradition into each of our Pickles, Pastes, Ready-to-Cook Spice mixes, Papads and Ready-to-Eat foods for every homes’ delight!

Top image of hands together via Shutterstock


About the Author

Jai Krish

A full-time mother and part-time life gazer attempting to be the jack of all trades and yet master of none. read more...

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