Changing The World: Starting With A Community

Malathi Jogi, who recently joined Women's Web as content manager, shares her insights about her work, her beliefs, and her aspirations.

Malathi Jogi, who recently joined Women’s Web as Content Manager, shares her insights about her work, her beliefs, and her aspirations.

When I was a young girl of six, I would make numerous sets of tiny footprints on the pristine beaches of Mangalore. I would spend hours mesmerized by the waves, the method in their madness, and the mood swings of the sun. Most fascinating of all, I would spend time collecting shells while my cousins splashed about in the water. It didn’t matter how much time it took, I had to have the best shells- of different shapes, sizes, and colours. Carefully, I’d create an assortment of shells, take them home, and give it to my loved ones as ‘gifts’.

Today, at 21, I hope to do the same for you, dear readers. As Content Manager, I aim to gift you the most insightful and useful resources at Women’s Web. What I hope to use in this pursuit is an undying love for the written word, an inextinguishable curiosity about women’s issues, and a cheeky knack for editing.

I found Aparna when I was fresh out of college, with a bachelor’s degree in Economics, and an enthusiasm to turn idealism to reality. Having studied Politics and History, I’m aware that the fight for equality remains a steep hill to climb. I hope to contribute to this uphill climb in all the ways I can.

At this point in time, I think it’s important for women to pool in their insights, knowledge, and resources to build strong communities. Communities, whether online or offline, that allow for breaking down stereotypes, taboos, and limitations, while encouraging growth and solidarity. I saw Women’s Web as a platform to do my bit in creating such a community, and here I am!

After all, like Margaret Mead summed it up perfectly, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”


Pic credit: Judy (Used under  a CC license)

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About the Author

Malathi Jogi

Madam Curious. When I'm not studying Economics, Politics or History, I read, write, and make art. read more...

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