The Good The Bad The Cyber Buddha: A Guide To Cyber Safety 

The Good The Bad The Cyber Buddha: A Common Man Series, by Paathik Muni and Kamaljeet Kaur Muni, simplifies cybersecurity for the masses.

The Good, The Bad, The Cyber Buddha: A Common Man Series, written by Paathik Muni and Kamaljeet Kaur Muni, is a book that breaks down cybersecurity for ordinary masses.

It is well-accepted that women are most likely to fall victim to digital frauds, online scams and identity thefts. Predators hiding behind their computer screens exploit our vulnerability and gullibility to trick us into financial scams. Romantic scams escalating into blackmailing make headlines almost every other day.

When you are surrounded by cyber menaces and hackers, waiting in the wings to exploit your ignorance, it is mandatory to know the basic rules of the game.

The Good The Bad The Cyber Buddha is written in digestible chunks!

Most of us enjoy the ease and practicality of smartphones, but barely understand the nitty-gritty of safe digital practices. Some of us are sloppy regarding digital safety, which sometimes costs us a fortune. However, others, like my mother and mother-in-law, have been extremely cautious, so much so that they have stopped opening messages/ WhatsApp from unknown numbers.

The fear has taken deeper roots after the Indian crime drama web television series, Jamtara–Sabka Number Aayega, where small-town young men run phishing operations on the unsuspecting, vulnerable public. The series forced us to feel the looming threat.

Many women, like me, want the know-how in this field but detest getting bogged by unfamiliar terms, heavy terminologies and complicated steps. For the longest time, I wanted someone to break it down into simple, bite-sized, easy-to-follow sections.

The book—The Good, The Bad, The Cyber Buddha: A Common Man Series, by Paathik Muni and Kamaljeet Kaur Muni, does this and much more.

A road map to dodge digital threats

The book is a one-stop shop for common cyber safety queries. It is summed up in an engaging and contemporary narrative.

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The dangers and sound practices are underscored by the interaction of seven strangers at a house party. The brief everyday anecdotes make for an engrossing read; these stories help ingrain the explanations in one’s memory because of their personal and emotional tint. The illustrations at the beginning of the chapters offer pocket-size nuggets of intrigue and insights.

The narrative is broken into 25 chapters and encouraged me to reflect on similar frauds and scams with friends and family. It nudged me to think of possible safety precautions that could have been undertaken.

Paathik’s expertise as a cyber lawyer shines through as he highlights digital perils, relentless attackers, and the risks of even a single uninformed action.

A must-read in today’s day and age

This fast-paced page-turner prompted me to change all my passwords, update my antivirus software and activate multiple layers of protection for my online accounts. I even passed on the book to my parents and my mother-in-law. The tips and tricks often creep into conversations with friends and coworkers, which often end up in me recommending the book.

Needless to say, I highlighted almost the entire book. I would definitely return to the pages for easy-to-follow tips. The concise digital safety checklist at the end of the book is the cherry on the cake.

I absolutely concur with the book’s blurb—the book is a bible of cybersecurity for the common man! Not to be missed!

Want a copy of this book?

If you’d like to pick up The Good, The Bad, The Cyber Buddha: A Common Man Series, by Paathik Muni and Kamaljeet Kaur Muni, use our affiliate links at Amazon India, and at Amazon US.

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Image source: and edited on CanvaPro

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Supriya Bansal

A Radiologist by profession, Supriya Bansal, spends most of her day inhabiting a monochromatic world consisting of different shades of grey ranging from black to white. She is an active member of many online writing read more...

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