Unlearning The Inherent Guilt Of Being A Woman

Being a woman can be a tiring, thankless job. All the while being surrounded by imagery of goddess, women are taken for granted.

Being a woman can be inherently overwhelming. Despite carrying so much inside, it can be hard to pour it all out on paper. A lot of mine has been drained out of everything. And less of all things is what I get.

I have this deep ache and I think I can’t really get over this. I am extremely exhausted from everything around me. Likewise, I am present but mentally sick.

Women are guilted for doing less

There are times when I tend to forget things that need to be done, and I end up listening to the lame jibe, ‘You’re good for nothing’. I need an oasis of peace and sanity.

For me, life is an unkind wheel of existence. Everything is biotic yet too shallow, vain, bare, untenanted, devoid, and I beg to assert all the synonyms that can describe my vehement despair.

Women are made out to be divine givers

I was a good woman. Not any more, when hardships were hardest. When jeers were pure malice. I was virtuous and soft.
So now people call me wicked and godless. People really don’t give a fuck about mental health, especially a woman. A woman has to “sacrifice”.

They make it look so normal and surreal. A woman has nothing for herself, but values forgiving and giving over all. She is still in every house that deserves nothing of her.

I want to tell my daughter to be a good human and not a deity. This ends here. With me. Period.

Image source: Rahul Pandit, free and edited on CanvaPro

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Randhir Kaur

Author | Demisexual | Writer | Storyteller | Literature | Interviewer | Prosaic | Art | Aesthetic read more...

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