There Were Two Of Them – I Fell In Love With Both

I was going to modify my looks and wished to be invisible forever. But now, I see no use for that. From amongst those who knew me, some of them have moved on, while the others knew me through a common acquaintance.

Yes, you have been the inspiration behind this read and a few others, but we need to stop having normal conversations in my mind because nothing is normal now.

I have been advised a lot, you know, to think less and start working on myself. Thanks to you, I’m halfway there and after posting this read, I’ll be one step closer to achieving the perfect salvation.

I spent hours, stalking an account on medium. I fell in love with the author, and left a few messages. There’s slight possibility that he might read those and respond, and hardly any possibility that I might think of him again because my mind is preoccupied; and though I spent hours seeking inspiration from a stranger, my mind came back to one particular thought.


“People will recognize you because of who you are.”

Funny story as it was — I was going to modify my looks and wished to be invisible forever. But now, I see no use for that. From amongst those who knew me, some of them have moved on, while the others knew me through a common acquaintance.

Now, they know me no more, and you will never get to know me.


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Coming back to the anonymous account that I had stalked for hours, the first story that I read was adorable, and then the girlfriend died. Now, obviously I had to read the next one to know what had happened.

The next one, and the one after that, got me thinking about whether the women in those stories were real or fictional? It didn’t even matter any more after a few more reads.

We all have women in our lives who are too unfortunate to survive the night.


“The weather here is so nice and cold.”

I know.

Because it’s where I was born during spring, and the irony in this fact is that I am allergic to pollen.

Do you remember my picture with swollen eyes? It was a crazy day, and I wouldn’t want to talk about it because then I would have to change the title for the third time to — The Three of You.


You enjoy a read until you realize that it might be a script. Any read can be a script. You can’t tell if the author is telling the truth about his life or just bluffing about what his life could have been if only fate had been a little more kind.

So when the author said that to forget the trauma of his breakup he eventually hit the bar, I thought that his story was real. But then he claimed to have met a woman, who disappeared from the trunk of her own car, and then I realized that his mind was living the dream for eternity.


Speaking of eternity, I know you are afraid of spending an eternity on this planet. But I will, through my stories, and you are welcome to cherish them in your next life. I can’t say for sure that you’ll remember our conversations, or you will see me for who I truly am, but I don’t blame you for leaving.

It was the best decision you have made, according to you.

It is one of the best reads that I have created, according to me.

NOTE: I am speaking of two different people alternatively — one of whom I have known for some time and the other, well, I have known him through words and words only.

Image source: Andrea Piacquadio via pexels, free on CanvaPro

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