Premenstrual Syndrome – You Know That Feeling When Nothing Feels Right?

We don't get a sick leave for Premenstrual Syndrome. It doesn't show up on a thermometer, and gets us out of our chores and work!

It feels like everything in your life has suddenly become so difficult. Nothing seems to be going right.

Everything irks you and I mean everything — people talking, phone ringing, the daily chores, getting out of bed! One minute you are trying to be happy and the next your heart sinks into deep despair. You feel like you are about to lose it, no matter how much you are trying to keep it together.

You want someone to love you, comfort you, but the catch is you can’t stand anyone right now. And you are reminded of everything that is going wrong in your life — things which you made peace with, people about whom you stopped caring about, regrets that you have let go. Everything comes back to haunt you.

Everything feels upsetting

A huge sadness looms over you like a dark, heavy cloud. It could drench your entire being and those around you, if it bursts. I like to call it the Dementors, as it really sucks out the happiness from your life.

And all of this is just the mental part of it. There is that chronic fatigue too, where your body just feels too heavy to even move, and the random flashes — how can you forget them! One minute you are shivering from cold under your blanket and the next you are hot as a pan, sweating like a pig as if your whole body is on fire.

Three out of four women suffer mood swings

So this what PMS feels like more and less. This is what every three in four women feel like every twenty-eight days, more and less.

It’s not a sickness that you can get a sick leave for. This is not something which shows up on a thermometer, and gets you out of your chores and work. This is not something which you can talk to everyone about.

Time to educate everyone

Most men won’t be even able to comprehend it, because they most likely have never heard about it. Because their mothers had never mentioned it to them, for whatever reasons.

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I feel this is the time to educate people around us of what we go through every month! We should let them know how we need to need their compassion and their kindness, through these difficult times. Because even Harry couldn’t fight with the Death Eaters alone!

Image Source: by shylendrahoode via Getty Image on Canva Pro

Check with your doctor first

At Women's Web we try to bring you information on Fitness & Wellness topics of interest to you. This is not, however diagnostic or prescriptive information, so please do consult your doctor or therapist before using any of it.

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