From Breaking The Karwa Chauth Fast Without Seeing The Moon To Recovering From India’s Loss In the Cricket Match…What A Day!

On Sunday, two events took me on an emotional roller-coaster. I had to break my Karwa Chauth fast without seeing the moon. And India's defeat in the T20 World Cup.

The 24th of October 2021 is a date that must be written in gold letters. Before you proceed, let me state unequivocally that this is not a political piece, nor is it published by someone who supports any particular faith.

This is the voice of a writer who couldn’t stop herself from emphasising her observation. On Sunday, two incredibly significant events have occurred.

I had to open my Karwa Chauth fast without seeing the moon!

The women of Delhi opened their fast without seeing the moon. Like the other women who had kept the fast, I also waited for the moon. The weather forecast agency reported around 8 pm and practically everyone opened their fast before 9 p.m. They were so confident in the weather forecast that they forgot the moon almost always appears after 9:30 pm.

It is said that if a lady breaks her fast without seeing the moon, her husband will either die or suffer severe losses in life. If such is the case, the lives and livelihoods of many men are now in jeopardy. Ladies, beware!

India lost their World Cup match against Pakistan

The second painful event occurred when India lost their T20 World Cup match against Pakistan. Pakistani players are renowned for dropping the simplest and most effective catch, but they were on their toes yesterday and performed something that had not been done in many years. They won by ten wickets.

I grieved like every other Indian. I mean, we badly underestimated them. Furthermore, the more we criticise them, the more they demonstrate this time that they deserve a pat on the back.

The same phenomenon occurs in life if you don’t give up hope because of your setbacks and strive harder, you’ll shine like them.

This isn’t a parable. This is something I sincerely believe. Whenever I fail, I get up, dress up, and stroll around like a princess. The Indian team will get back up on their feet as well!

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Image source: Still from Yes Boss & YouTube


About the Author

Geetika K. Bakshi

A passionate scribbler and wishful bread earner. A working professional in an embassy and a freelancer French language trainer. A voracious reader and loves to connect readers and writers. Author of Ibiza by Geetika Kaura ( read more...

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