Awaken The Entrepreneur In You…Here Are Easy Home Business Ideas You Can Start During Pandemic!

The pandemic crippled us in many ways, but also opened up opportunities. Here are some home business ideas that are simple & can be easily monetized!

The pandemic crippled us in many ways, but also opened up opportunities. Here are some home business ideas that are simple & can be easily monetized!

The pandemic took us all by surprise, our lives and livelihoods both were hit. Women were the most affected as they had to handle work, home and the kids. The impact of any economic crisis is harder on women as women are paid lesser than their male counterparts even though they are equally qualified and work just as hard. As per a study, women also have fewer savings and investments.

Although the pandemic crippled us in many ways, it also triggered a massive shift and opened up a plethora of opportunities in the digital space for women. We all learned that remote working can be as effective and can also result in monetary gains. Women just need to be more aware of the opportunities that come their way, they need to be proactive enough to seize them and diligent enough to follow them through.

Here are a few business ideas that can be explored during the pandemic from the comfort of your home:

Home workout/Personal Training/Yoga Classes

With the increasing awareness about health and fitness and the closure of gyms during Covid-19, there are many people who are looking at home workouts. In the pre-covid period people struggled to make time for exercise. The rising cost of fitness studios and gyms were also a hurdle.

I have seen many women who feel uncomfortable going to the gym and work out in front of everyone. Well I don’t really blame them as its human nature to escape when you see someone who is already fit and in shape working out right beside you. Many women feel judged and embarrassed because of body image issues.

It is a natural tendency to give up but now because of virtual workouts many women are turning to yoga, Zumba, aerobics and dance workouts which can be easily done at the comfort of their homes and as per their suitable time.

Women who have a passion for fitness, yoga, exercise and nutrition can translate their skills into online fitness sessions. You can provide group or personal sessions. A majority of women have been attending classes through various mediums like WhatsApp, zoom calls and google meet.

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There are many who even take a subscription for a week or a month where they get access to pre-recorded fitness videos and live-streamed classes which they can do at their ease and time. There is a huge of demand from  fitness buffs who are waiting for someone to guide them on their fitness journey!

Art/dance/story-telling classes for children

No one can deny that there is no better teacher than a mother! Most women are natural story tellers and artists; why not turn that into a profession? If you have a flair for teaching then by all means you should explore story- telling as a profession.

There are many parents who are too busy to read to their children and look out for such classes. You can introduce a different book every day and use puppets and actions to make the session more interactive. The last ten minutes can be left for questions and answers to see how much the kids have grasped. You can even assign a character to each child and make them enact it and say their lines. These classes are very popular for kids below ten years.

If you are good at painting you can conduct creativity sessions for children where you can teach them a different drawing or painting in each session. Art engages and inspires kids; it helps them get their innermost feelings out on paper. A finished piece of art not only gives them a sense of pride but also encourages them to create more. Don’t we all love it when our kids make lovely drawings and we proudly display them to the world?

A lot of people take art for granted but if children are guided since a young age, they might grow up to be artists! A guide who teaches them a  step- by-step approach would help kids make lovely artwork.

If you are a trained dancer then you can take dance sessions online for kids or adults. If you are not a trained dancer but are still comfortable in your art and can choreograph well then by all means -take the plunge!

Nothing beats the demand to learn dance. Dance is the very language of your body and soul and its a wonderful exercise. Dance classes are best conducted live instead of a pre-recorded session as there is a one-on-one interaction.

You can take classes thrice a week, daily or even charge per session. It is always better to give options so that people can select what suits them best. The best part is that you can dance too! Who doesn’t like to let loose and dance away without a care!

Food business is thriving in the pandemic thanks to delivery services!

If you have a culinary background or even if you have a love for cooking then it is time to share your skills with the world. This is a very viable business for women especially for those with many years of experience in cooking. Everyone has a different style of cooking, their own secret ingredients and their grandmother’s recipes that are passed on since generations.

If you have the space and can manage cooking for many people, you can create a menu and start delivering food to people’s homes. You can use apps like dunzo, uber eats, we-fast, swiggy genie to deliver your order or even tie-up with Zomato and Swiggy who will act as a medium between you and the end consumer. Alternatively you can ask them to pick up the food from your place as well.

If you are good at baking, you could sell cakes, pastries or home-made goodies. There is a huge demand for home-made pickles and savouries too. Nothing beats ma ke haath ka achaar, ladoo or chivda. Some people are looking for low oil, less-fat, healthy meals as their busy lifestyles leave no time for workouts.

If your business really takes off, you can consider hiring staff under you as you overlook the process. It is important to research your market, create a meal plan, obtain the necessary licenses and figure out your costs so that you can decide on a suitable selling price.

You can always tie up with nearby offices as many employees look for a home-cooked dabba on a daily basis. Several single folks also looks for healthy meal options on a daily basis.

You can even branch into taking online sessions to teach cooking to those who are interested. You can list out the ingredients that they need in advance and give them a step-by-step tutorial on how to make a certain dish.

The possibilities are endless and they are waiting to be explored.

Start your own channel on YouTube

You can always start a YouTube channel documenting your day-to-day life or to create entertaining content. There are many women who have a flair for acting, singing, cooking or dancing. You can also use your social media handles to your benefit and monetize the views.

You can open your own channel and upload content related to what your skills are. There are many women who have millions of subscribers on their dance, cookery or story-telling channels. There are other women who are good at writing and animation. You can talk about topics that you are passionate about or pen your motherhood journey so that people can follow you and be inspired.

You never know what clicks and one fine day you might find yourself going viral. Having said that it also requires a huge amount of hard-work and dedication. Good things rarely come easy. To gather views and create your own space you can always partner with other influencers and brands who would be more than willing to help you. Remember all you have to do is ask and if they see talent they might even promote you.

Make sure your content is informative, humorous or entertaining; it can be anything you want but it can’t be offensive. You can create engaging and helpful tutorials that people are looking for.

A word of caution: you have to be very careful of what you post online and be willing to bear the consequences for your actions. Do not post anything that you would be uncomfortable if it went viral.

There will always be a lot of demand for engaging content that helps people get over their boredom. Most people don’t know that YouTube is the second most popular search engine after google and it is possible to grow and monetize a YouTube channel.

Online tuitions

The pandemic has left many women struggling for time. Homemakers have an added load of work as everyone is home and working women are trying to maintain a balance between work and household responsibilities.

This leaves very little time for children’s studies. If you have the skills and expertise to teach, then online tuition can be a lucrative option for you. All you need is a laptop, a good internet connection and teaching skills to start teaching children online.

There are many parents who are looking out for online tuition’s as they do not want to expose their kids to covid-19 by sending them to a tuition teachers house.

You can create YouTube tutorials and small videos explaining concepts that can be uploaded on social media handles to promote yourself. You can always offer a few trial sessions to see if the child understands your way of teaching and if the parents are happy with it.

If you are passionate about teaching it could be a profitable business opportunity. You can either charge per hour, per month or per subject for a year. If you are confident about teaching higher grades like the 9th and 10th, they usually ask for year-long tuitions.

More business ideas…

There are many companies who are providing work from home opportunities to qualified women who fit their bill. You can always start your own consulting business. If you have a finance background, you can help people manage their investments and become a financial consultant.

If you are good with coding, you can get into website development or teach coding to kids. There are many women who start a small business working as freelance HR consultants and marketing professionals.

This could be your chance at financial freedom and independence. Every woman deserves it.

I wish you great success with whatever you choose. Remember you can do it and the world is waiting for you!

All you have to do is take that first step and try!

Image source: Still from English Vinglish

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