Parenting And Kids’ Online Education

A comprehensive guide to making the transition to online education easier for parents and children.

A comprehensive guide to making the transition to online education easier for parents and children.

2020 has changed everything. It has turned the world upside down. One massive paradigm shift in 2020 is educational institutions, universities resorting to online education.

This is a welcome change, as the humankind has taken a great leap of faith in educating children through online. Also, there has been a lot of hurdles for everyone to accept this change. Here I jolt a few parenting tips for those whose children are taking online education

Be aware of the time table and submissions

The schools send across their timetables, assignments through a designated portal (that includes text messages/ emails/ WhatsApp messages). Being aware of the schedule is important so that the learning is not missed.

Many of the marking systems in schools is very stringent now when it comes to attendance and submission. Hence parents should be updated about the schedule.

Regulate digital timings

Most kids are on social media and are addicted to it. Considering the amount of time spent online during the school sessions, high time we regulate the further time spent online.

Engage the children in different household activities. They might resist your advice on not using social media. Restricting the usage of gadgets always depends on your bond with the children. It is very much advisable to make them understand that there is a world beyond digital media.

Chores are good

Children must understand that they should learn to be independent in any situation. Hence they must be taught to get involved in some small tasks at the house. (As mentioned below)

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  1. The responsibility of putting off the lights, fans, ACs in the house. Thereby they are taking up the responsibility of saving the energy
  2. Keeping the vegetables, fruits inside the refrigerator. This will make them understand the importance of keeping the edible items safe.
  3. If they are in the adolescent phase, it is safe for them to help you in the kitchen by cutting vegetables and help while preparing food.
  4. Arranging, decorating, and cleaning the house. This helps them to feel accountable and responsible for their house. Because household help will not be available for a longer time due to the lockdown situation.

Developing a hobby

This is the apt time to develop the hobbies of their interest. Online classes are draining for children also. They are required to relax their mind. Any small creative aspect in the mind can generate a spark.

Understanding the essence of family time

Children must understand the importance of being together in the family. They must feel the togetherness and the harmony. It is very important for them to prioritize family above all.

This is the right time to develop the bond amongst the family members. This pandemic could be a turning point for all of you as a family.

We unknowingly have submitted ourselves to this pandemic and have learned different ways to cope up with our lives. These little changes can add a lot more value to the personality of your kid.

A very happy family time!

Picture credit: Sweetlouis on Pixabay


About the Author

Bhanu Uday

Educator .. Story teller... Freelancer .... A movie buff.. Voracious reader ... read more...

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