All Of Us Women Are Warriors In The Push And Pull Of Life

I am a woman, says the author, who is going through a breakup with her best friend. I am the force of life. And no matter what ups and downs we all go through, we rise.

I am a woman, says the author, who is going through a breakup with her best friend. I am the force of life. And no matter what ups and downs we all go through, we rise.

That evening in April 2017, I sat on the Promenade at Rock Beach, Pondicherry. My then best friend sat by my side as we both were quietly looking at the majestic ocean, thinking perhaps of all the battles we were going through.

As women, don’t we all go through the routines of everyday life, hardly ever flinching for even a moment while a multitude of challenges come our way in various shapes? Getting support or breathers in between all the alleged roles, responsibilities, duties we act in- it is a luxury.

However, at the end of the day, what we hold within us, what drives each one of us is the fact that within us, we hold many worlds and we surf all the waves with bravery even if it be subtle, unseen one.

That evening, I was on the verge of losing my best friend to many of such intermittent battles and friction between us – we were breaking up.

But what stayed with me, despite that realisation of having given in to the pushes and pulls of our lives was this – I, my friend, a hundred thousand other women whom we don’t even know personally, are all warriors. We live through so many break-ups, shake-ups, make-ups without actually being too rattled. To each of us, to my long-gone friend, to myself, I dedicate these lines.

Dear world,

I am the ocean, inverted.
I rush, I go mad, I am fierce.
Restless in anticipation,
Adamant to not stay.
On surface.
I would keep coming back,
In many minds before I recede,
Leaving a part of me behind,
Each time I try to kiss you….you,
The shore holding the softness in your heart,
The shore hidden behind the rocks,
The shore that laughs at me day and night-
The one that can never be mine……..
Reject me, keep doing that,
I would though keep trying.
It is not for you to know,
Why I keep chasing you….
You are proud of the beauty I give you.
Stay that way.
Your ignorance keeps me going…..
And my fury makes you more beautiful.
Even though you don’t know, yet

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I fall for you, more passionately.
Each day. With each wave.

And I give you life.

For, I, am the woman. I, am the force. I, am the life.

Image source: freepik

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