What Does It Mean To You To Go To Work, As A Woman? As A Mom?

I'm going to hurt many around me if I say that as a young mother, going to work could be only if I want 'social acceptance'. Isn’t it a fact that society will make me insecure if I don’t earn?

I’m going to hurt many around me if I say that as a young mother, going to work could be only if I want ‘social acceptance’. Isn’t it a fact that society will make me insecure if I don’t earn?

Being a mother of a 2-year-old, the last thing I would like is to get stuck in a 9 to 5 job. But I might still go for it because it makes me feel free. It makes me feel independent. If I don’t have an income of my own then I will have to be dependent on others. Even if I don’t feel, others will make me feel small.

But the question is, being a full-time hardworking mother, do I really deserve to feel small? Come on. Am I working less than you? I am surely not. I am working harder. I get up to work every morning just like you.

Having an been in senior positions at work, and being an IIM alumnus, it came as a shock that when I decided to take care of my baby for a while, what I heard from others was, “If you wanted to sit ‘idle’ then why have you wasted your time and effort?”

Really? First of all, I am not sitting idle. You don’t know how much effort it takes to be a full-time mom. Second, I am taking this decision because my baby needs me right now more than anything else. Now if you can please stop making me feel guilty? I am no less of a woman or a human being if I don’t step out to drive the country’s economy for a few days.

Just because I want to earn ‘respect’ from you, I should go on to live a double life? Makes me wonder how ‘nice’ it would have been if I was respected for the work I am doing right now. The world would have been better if I did not hear “just a mom”. Because you know what? I am not just a mom. I am THE MOM.

It is totally a choice of the mother to go out to work or not, and if I decide not to then it does not mean that I am vulnerable and depressed. On the contrary, you can think that I might be happy and content. I deserve the same respect as others.

But sadly I accept that whatever I said above is not easy. Such is our society that if I don’t earn my own bread then I am worthless. If I need some respect and understanding by others then I will have to make my own earning which in turn will give me freedom and acceptance. Maybe some oxygen to breathe.

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The same holds good for mothers who start their work after a break. How much ever an organization shout that they are returnee women-friendly everyone knows what’s on the back of their minds. They might hire you (of course on a lower position) but they cannot stop doubting your ability.

So to conclude I am left with just this thought that work for me is not something I do that others like. Work is something which defines me. It is something I am totally in love with. Well, work for me is to see my baby growing up. It might be different for others but I know I am doing my job well.

Image source: shutterstock

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v s

A Business Analyst and a homemaker. Main motto of her life is to keep herself happy.She does so by reading good books read more...

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