
Cooking is not a yardstick of a mother being loving. Why should we consider this the benchmark?

Cooking is not a yardstick of a mother being loving. Why should we consider this the benchmark?


hates cooking but never stops caring.

Cooking is not a yardstick of a mother being loving.


is not carrying your obeisance in her vagina.

Roaring in pain, her life is already an unremitting arena.


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Is not accustomed to privilege.

For her, failure is another form of leverage.


is subversive in your cognition.

But impeding from speaking her mind is a synonym of oppression.


has all the right to decide on embracing motherhood.

Giving birth is a choice not a paradigm of womanhood.


was wild, is wild and will always be one.

Their suppression never tamed but upsurge her credence.


is not born.

Strong women are formed, they are the warrior who cries but rise from their mourn.

Image via Unsplash


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