Want To Up-Skill? Do It At These BEST Women’s Leadership Programmes In India

What are the top Women's Leadership Programmes in India? And why are they essential to women who want to lead, in any field?

Women are forging ahead in corporate India across fields. While it is true that more women are being recruited from campuses today, a study by staffing firm CIEL HR in 2023 states that only one in ten make it to top leadership roles. Women’s Leadership Programmes are so designed to help women learn the skills, strengthen and develop the tools to advance into positions of power, influence and change.

Why are specialised women’s leadership programmes critical?

There are many known cultural and social obstacles for Indian women that impede them from achieving their leadership aspirations and dreams. Women need to recognise their strengths and celebrate them, while not letting social and cultural limitations hold them back — Women’s Leadership Programmes (WLP) can help with this transition.

In a patriarchal society, good leaders are defined by high masculine characteristics, alienating all other kinds of leadership. It is time to redefine what good leadership can and should be — not a celebration of alpha masculinity but feminine inclusivity where leadership isn’t about power but empowering others. It is no secret that a diverse workforce helps the company, business and ultimately India.

In the current workforce, every woman will agree to having been the only female at the table at least once. We all know how tricky and challenging that can be to getting your POV heard and respected. It is therefore important for successful women leaders to mentor rising women leaders and establish this strong family of women leaders that enables and empowers. Peer learning, bonding, networking with other women leaders is one of the big benefits of a Women’s Leadership Programme.

As Sneha Banerjee who completed a WLP from ISB says, “It helped me consume an enormous amount of stories of courage, success and tribulations from the fantastic cohort.”

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Women leaders have increasingly demonstrated that leadership is not all about the traditionally accepted masculine way, and that inclusion and sensitivity as a leader is a soft skill that can pay huge dividends. This insight accounts for the crucial role of Women’s Leadership Programmes that can help women not just learn these skills during their career, but also upskill to bridge a career break. 

In this piece, we have a list of such programmes that you can enrol at, in India.

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bhavani is an independent writer. Her fiction will soon feature in an anthology by Aleph. Her short fiction "A Fragrance That Could Have Been" was the winner of the 2016 Out of Print-DNA Contest. read more...

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