What It Takes To Be A Woman

Do you know how it feels? To be a woman in a country where clothes are blamed for crimes, not the perpetrator?

Do you know what it takes to be a woman?

I say: a heart of steel, a conscious mind.

In a country where women are worshipped,

Do you know how it feels?

To witness crime against women at an all time rise,

Everyday same story, different narratives,

Big news headings of how a woman was violated.

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To be a woman in the world’s largest democracy,

Where you’re asked to keep mum, not to say too much,  Or else you would be noticed.

And being noticed is apparently not “safe”.

Do you know how it feels? To be a woman,

In a country where clothes are blamed for crimes, not the perpetrator.

Where the abuser is given the benefit of doubt, not the victim.

Do you know how it feels?

To be a woman in the country, who’s still not treated equally, and is discriminated just because she is a woman.

Who’s not given equal pay, or opportunities,

Because apparently a man will do it better.

Do you know how it feels?

To be a woman in the country, where every move, every step you take is scrutinised,

And you’re looked down on just because you don’t have a conventional thinking.

Even after all that,

Being a woman is a blessing if you ask me,

It might get taxing and extremely laborious sometimes,

But there’s nothing more empowering than being a woman.

A woman who’s head strong, compassionate,

A woman who knows what she wants,

A woman who’s a go- getter,

and does not let the world bring her done.

Do you know how it feels, To be a woman?

It’s a blessing in disguise if you ask me.

Image Source: Ashwini Chaudhary on Unsplash

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About the Author

Ishika Satwika Singh

A Journalist, Editor, Cinephile, Music enthusiast. I write about pop culture, social issues and primarily advocate for women’s rights through my writings. You can check out more from me @YouthKiAwaaz/Ishikasatwikasingh read more...

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