5 Best Foods For Brain Growth, What To Feed Your Toddler

Foods for brain growth: a child's brain continues to develop during infancy as motor functions such as balance and coordination develop during the toddler period. Nutrition plays an important role during this growth period.

[ Here is a list of 5 best foods for brain growth, for your active toddler. ]

A child’s brain is like a sponge, which absorbs everything that happens around them and learns very quickly, But the development of a child’s brain begins they can speak and walk. As the baby develops in the womb, brain cells multiply at an astonishing rate.

The child’s brain continues to develop during infancy as motor functions such as balance and coordination develop during the toddler period. Nutrition plays an important role during this growth period.

If a child not getting the right nutrition can have detrimental effects on cognitive development, affecting their academic abilities and also their memory.

5 nutrients found in foods for brain growth in babies

All nutrients are plays an important role in a baby all over development, but there are some play a bigger role in their early stage. (Choline, Iron, Protein, Vitamins A, D, B12, B6, Zinc)

No single diet or seafood can ensure optimal brain development for your baby.

However, some foods pack a variety of essential nutrients, and we just are sure to monitor all new foods for any potential allergies for your baby.

  • Green leafy vegetable

Most of the child don’t like to eat leafy green vegetables, or maybe it is a big challenge for them, but research suggests these leafy green vegetables are very important diets for your growing child’s brain health.

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Some leafy green vegetables are like lettuce, and different types of spinach, kale contains your child’s brain-protecting compound, carotenoids, flavonoids, and also vitamins (E & K1).

Research proves and suggests that a rich amount of high in carotenoid foods like leafy green vegetables help to boost your child’s cognitive function.

  • Egg

Eggs are rich in omega-3 fatty acids called choline and DHA. Feeding eggs to your babies improve their overall growth patterns, not only on the brain, and prevents stunted growth.

So, it’s proven eggs contain important nutrients for a baby’s brain development.

Eggs provide more and comparable levels of essential fatty acids, protein, choline, vitamins A and B12, selenium, and other critical nutrients than those found in other animal feed products, but they are relatively more affordable.

Two boiled eggs contained 294 grams of choline. Whereas a child aged 1-7 requires 100% choline for brain development and a child or adolescent for 9-13 requires more than 75% choline for their development.

So, you see how much eggs are playing an important role in the development of a child’s brain?

  • Yogurt

Yogurt is one of the most popular dairy products, which is prepared by the fermentation of milk bacteria. “Yogurt culture” which is used to prepare yogurt and its process produce lactic acid, which helps to convert milk protein to curdle and change unique texture and flavour. This yogurt can be made from all kinds of milk.

Rich in B and B12 vitamins and riboflavin, Yogurt may also protect against heart disease and some neural birth tube defects. Dairy products Yogurt is a good source of iodine, a nutrient a baby’s body needs for brain development and cognitive functions.

Yogurt is one of the nutrients that improve immune system health and heart disease and reduces depression or anxiety.

Unsweetened yogurt is best for your child. So, try feeding them unsweetened curd and help them greatly to help in their brain development.

  • Nuts

 Nuts and seeds contain antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids. More nuts and seeds are beneficial for brain development and help build your baby’s brain-related functions to work actively.

Nuts have been linked to many improvements in brain health, including improved cognitive function, learning, memory, and mood

Some nuts in particular, such as pistachios, almonds, walnuts, and macadamias, help improve memory in people of all ages, from children to the elderly. Pistachios and macadamias, on the other hand, help contribute to normal brain function.


Salmon is an excellent source of the omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA, so both are essential for brain function and development.

Do you want your child to do better in his studies or some activity? As a parent, you need to look at or improve their diet.

Recent research has even shown that those people who get higher amounts of omega-3 fatty acids in their diet have sharper brains and perform better on mental skill tests.

While tuna is also a source of omega-3s, but it is not as rich a source as salmon. But, it’s also good for the brain.

Before deciding and selecting the best foods for brain growth for your child, do consult the doctor if your child has had allergies or if there is a possibility of reaction.

Image source: Fat Camera, via Getty Images, free on CanvaPro


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About the Author

Surabhi B.Das

As a single mom and the founder of parentingwings, my journey is a testament to the power of resilience and determination. Since 2019, my blog has been a platform for advocating on behalf of parents read more...

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