Who Is The Victim Here?

It is high time that we stop victim blaming, understand the nuances of ongoing consent and end rape culture!

She is not a victim!
Though she is self-loathing, self-blaming,
Screaming in silence with scars and blisters,
She is no less now, than what she earlier was.

Rather HE is a victim of his inner demons..
Of vile thoughts, of violence, of heightened narcissism
He apathetically behaved in a socially forbidden way,
committing a heinous, horrendous offence.
He intimidated her with his futile masculinity,
Asserting control, strength and toxic dominance.
For his one titillating, aggressive moment,
He mocked her dissent and enforced entitlement.
Motive? Demean, humiliate, degrade,
Or to give her a lifetime of trauma and social detachment?

Its not about her provocative dress, courageous mistakes or forbidden choices,
It’s about his fear, foul intent and twitchy insecurities.
Its about time to rethink sexual abuse,
Its time to accuse only the accused!

HE touched her without her consent.
Why it’s HER who society should resent?

Image source: Cliff Booth on Pexels

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