‘Shameless’ Exposes The Degradation Of Humanity

‘Shameless’ exposes the shamelessness of financially solvent human beings like Praveen who misuse technology.

We live in two worlds in the Gen Z era, one is the pragmatic world and the other is the virtual world or the world driven by technology where we often appear to be someone (especially in our social media handles) whom we aspire to be but can’t be in the real world.

‘Shameless’ dissects the facade worn by some people in their everyday life to maintain their fake reputation which has no existence in reality through the character of Praveen Chaddha who pretends to be an established software engineer in his Facebook profile but in reality, is an unemployed, indolent person who places repeated orders in an online food delivery app to satiate his gluttony.

Bharti, an employee of that online food delivery app when confronts Praveen who exploited her by placing multiple orders a day (within a very short period that made her miss the train which she was about to board to furnish money for the treatment of her ailing mother), brings out the stark contrast between the two classes prevalent in the society, the privileges upper classes enjoy and as a result exercise their authority over the lower classes that ultimately leads to inhumanity.

Depiction Of The Cons of Technology

‘Shameless’ depicts the cons of technology that turns a human devoid of emotions. Praveen basking in his virtual world is shown unaware of the struggles migrant workers like Bharti endure travelling from small villages to big cities in search of work to provide basic amenities for the improvement of the deplorable financial condition of their families.

The circumstances under which Praveen and Bharti exchanged conversations might not be healthy yet it acted as an eye-opener to Praveen who previously considered his problem of unemployment to be the end of his world. Bharti is like a lesson to Praveen that people trapped in worse situations than him are fighting and not giving up. It’s only through crossing paths with Bharti that Praveen becomes a better version of himself, attaining self-sufficiency as a human being.

‘Shameless’ thus exposes the shamelessness of financially solvent human beings like Praveen who misuse technology without even caring about the trouble it might cause to people around. It also conveys a strong message to people to be benevolent and compassionate towards workers of online delivery apps and any other worker teaching us to treat them with respect as human beings.

Image Credits: A still from the short film ‘Shameless’.

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Srilekha Mitra

An overthinking cinephile who occasionally seeks refuge in poetry. Words are her antidote on bad days. read more...

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