Morning Thoughts

Some morning thoughts..."Within us, there lives a Phoenix. Rising from our own ashes, In the hope of breaking the jinx."

Amidst the morning bustle,

Over a steaming cup of tea,

Many thoughts throng and jostle,


Going down the memory lane,

Through lighted and dark alleys,

The mind feels a tinge of pain,


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The fleeting moments of bliss,

The lingering sense of loss,

Realising life is nothing but this.


Innumerable times do we fall,

Only to rise and walk,

To face anything and all.


Within us, there lives a Phoenix,

Rising from our own ashes,

In the hope of breaking the jinx.


Amidst the morning bustle,

Over a steaming cup of tea,

Many thoughts throng and jostle,


Going down the memory lane,

Through lighted and dark alleys,

The mind feels a tinge of pain,


The fleeting moments of bliss,

The lingering sense of loss,

Realising life is nothing but this.


Innumerable times do we fall,

Only to rise and walk,

To face anything and all.


Within us, there lives a Phoenix.

Rising from our own ashes,

In the hope of breaking the jinx.

Image Credits: David Mao on Unsplash 

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About the Author

Payel Choudhury

Hailing from Assam,m a simple home maker with a flair for writing..Being brought up in a metropolitan atmosphere,I love to appreciate and imbibe the goodness of various cultures and people. read more...

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