Himani Joshi, Founder Of Eduhive Creative Studio Believes In Immediate Action!

Himani Joshi founder of Eduhive Creative Studio says, "Network with other women entrepreneurs as much as you can, ask for help."

Excerpts from an interview with Himani Joshi, founder of Eduhive Creative Studio, a branding and digital creative agency.

When did you start Eduhive Creative Studio and what was the intention?

Founder of Eduhive Creative Studio, Himani Joshi says, I started my current company in 2015. One of my favourite topics was brand building.

I met a friend who was trying to start their own Indian apparel brand but was struggling because of a lack of Indianized concepts of branding and marketing.

I started with that project and gradually realized the market gap and requirement of entrepreneurs who are looking for technical as well as advisory consultation to develop and market brands in India for Indians with an Indian touch.

Today at Eduhive Creative Studio we transform brands from inside out. We provide service in the area of brand strategy and brand building, website development and digital marketing.

What was the biggest challenge you faced in starting the company?

Building a good team was my biggest challenge.

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Having the right people in your team working alongside you to achieve your goals is very important for building business.

What is the biggest mistake you made while starting your company in the initial few years?

In the initial years, we didn’t work on systemizing internal processes. This led to poor time management and a lack of evenness in the distribution of work on the team internally.

We now have corrected these internal mismanagement issues.

We also understood that this is a constant activity and immediate correction is required if any redundancy is found.

If there was one thing you could advise to a budding woman entrepreneur, what would it be?

Network with other women entrepreneurs as much as you can, Don’t shy from asking for help. You learn a lot when you network and a lot of mistakes that you are making get corrected.

Image credit: Himani Joshi

(Women’s Web, in collaboration with HEN India, will present a series of interviews with women entrepreneurs on Mondays. ‘HEN- Her Entrepreneurial Network’ is a community of Indian Women Entrepreneurs, connected by a vision to inspire, inform and support each other.)

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Pragati Adhikari

Editor at Women’s Web, Designer, Counselor & Art Therapy Practitioner. read more...

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