Founder Of Arrange It All, Aanchal Kejriwal Says, ‘Show Up Everyday!’

Aanchal Kejriwal, the founder of 'Arrange It All' wants you to believe in yourself and your products and services and enjoy your achievements.

Excerpts from an interview with the founder of ‘Arrange It All’, Aanchal Kejriwal, which offers solutions on organizing spaces- be it decluttering services, creating solutions for optimum utilization of spaces or the need of a Tidying Coach.

When did you start your company and what was the intention?

I started my company, Arrange It All, in March 2021. During COVID everyone was stressed with space and time especially working mothers. I realized it was very important to have an organized space and setting simple systems for better functioning in day to day life would be of great help. It was then that I carved a business out of my passion for organizing and decluttering.

What was the biggest challenge you faced in starting the company?

The biggest challenge was to create awareness and a market for a service like mine. I had no background in running a business so it was a step by step learning for me to understand the market, the requirement and offer services accordingly which might create a difference. Also I had to create a support system at home to be able to work(something which we fail to realize is very important for working mothers).

What is the biggest mistake you made while starting your company/in the initial few years?

I won’t call it a mistake if I could learn something from it and adapt as I moved ahead in my journey, but I felt not putting myself out there as much and speak about my services constantly, doubting myself and holding back from talking and asking for help is a mistake that I did.

If there was one thing you could advice to a budding woman entrepreneur, what would it be?

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Founder Of Arrange It All, Aanchal Kejriwal says, believe in yourself and your product/services. Show up each day even when you don’t feel like. Learn and reinvent if something does not work out the way you wanted to. You just cannot give up on your dreams. I feel if we have that zeal to do, the path keeps opening up. I struggle, I fail and then in the next few days after continuous efforts it starts taking shape. And the joy of achieving it is something else. Work on your weaknesses and count on your strengths.

(Women’s Web, in collaboration with HEN India, will present a series of interviews with women entrepreneurs on Mondays. ‘HEN- Her Entrepreneurial Network’ is a community of Indian Women Entrepreneurs, connected by a vision to inspire, inform and support each other.)

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Pragati Adhikari

Editor at Women’s Web, Designer, Counselor & Art Therapy Practitioner. read more...

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