Why Should I Get Married When All I See Is People Unhappy With It!

After turning 22 I was subjected to questions about marriage, but how do I convince myself when all I have seen are troubled marriages.

After celebrating my 22nd birthday there was a series of questions that I had to answer, When are you getting married?’ ‘Why don’t you get married?’ ‘Really Didi, you will be marrying very late”!

But how do I marry anyone when all I have seen is women getting troubled in their marriage. My sister is one such woman and her experience is what make me believe how marriage can turn your life into disaster.

Little did we know the person we were getting my sister married to wasn’t right

My sister was a dotted kid. She was the most loved child, and hence her wedding was a grand one. Little did we know the person we were getting  her married to wasn’t right. Issues started in the very first year of their marriage.

Her in-laws staying with her didn’t lessen any pain. The rants, the over exceeding expectations and not being considered as a family member even after marriage took toll on her, affecting her mental heath. Now whenever I see her its like a different person standing before me.

How do I convince myself that marriages can be good, when all I have seen is people adjusting and not enjoying?

When getting married only thing one needs to know, especially a girl is ADJUSTMENT. ‘Every one needs to adjust’ that is what parents say. But how do you adjust with a partner who is far away from being supportive, instead treats you like a stranger.

When romance is a dream not achieved, how do I make my heart understand that marriages can be good? How do I convince myself when all I have seen is people adjusting to it not enjoying it or even living it.

Image Source: Still from a Youtube Video


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