A Gaali, Is It A Word? Even As A Joke?

Whenever my dad was about to utter the BH***** word I used to add a Beeeeep sound I learned from the television to cover the abusive words.

“Violence against women and girls continues to be the most pervasive and pressing human rights issue in the world today,” said Secretary-General of United Nations Antonio Guterres. Every day we fall upon such instances and it is not something to ignore or just read. Steps have been taken as well.

Some organisations are continuing to work day and night to help such women, some are even homeless if they raised their voices. Okay, that’s something highlighted and I sternly believe that day will soon come when the morning will arise when we no more have to celebrate a special International day against violence against women.

I am here spreading light on abuse which in most cases is not even abuse. That is talking in abusive language, even as a joke. Using words like BH*****D or BEN K* TA and many more. These words are painful and enough to kill the self-respect of a girl.

Throughout my life, born and bred up in a Punjabi family I have not detached from this ritual. Though mine is not intentionally yet in a joke. Yet my belief is even as a joke, it’s lethal, not welcomed. At least I wouldn’t!

Reasons I believe abuses or ‘gaalis’ are bad because:

  1. It too kills the self-reflection of a woman: Once you aren’t around then the spouse tends to think of the memories you make when you are together. If it’s mostly offensive language or foul language or such words echoes in the head and tends to question the self-identity.
  2. It is something to catch and repeat: Often you see the kids in the house tend to pick up the words which are continually used in the home. Recently I encountered five years old kids using extremely foul language I would never want to pass on to my kids. Home is the first school and such things pollute the environment. It is something that must end and not pass on as an inheritance.
  3. To me, even verbal abuse is equal to physical even if it is a joke.
  4. To add to all the abusive language is female-oriented and has been restricted to men’s lips. I don’t think any man would even accept or allow a female in the house to use it openly or not even under the veil.
  5. In most languages, the curses start with female words renditions in them. It is perfect to claim that it is rooted in misogynistic views. The pussy word and others are slut-shaming to her element in society.
  6. New teachings must be inculcated to bring new beginnings. Every trend has its expiring and this trend is not even a trend, not a joke, not even an experiment. The wrong is wrong. No matter what religion is it!

While writing this article I had nostalgia, when I was in my teenage I took responsibility on my shoulders, whenever my dad was about to utter the BH***** word I used to add a Beeeeep sound I learned from the television to cover the abusive words. To which my father let go of this habit until I grew up, yet it came back after several years. Can we, our generation change this now?

Image Source: aleksandrdavydovphotos via Canva Pro 

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About the Author

Geetika K. Bakshi

A passionate scribbler and wishful bread earner. A working professional in an embassy and a freelancer French language trainer. A voracious reader and loves to connect readers and writers. Author of Ibiza by Geetika Kaura ( read more...

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