Kindness, A Beautiful Way To Tell Another Person That There’s Hope And Love…

COVID-19 hit all of us and everything about it is bad - including the difficulties that all of us had to go through in terms of the non-availability of medical care and logistics.  

COVID-19 hit all of us and everything about it is bad – including the difficulties that all of us had to go through in terms of the non-availability of medical care and logistics.  

Needless to say, COVID-19 brought out the worst in some of us. Conscience was dead, and humanity didn’t seem to exist. But where it is evil and bad, there is also goodness and kindness silently existing. And it’s important to acknowledge that. While there is only negativity and news of depression and sadness spread by media, we forget to appreciate the good we had and saw.  I saw a lot of kindness around me during my most difficult days and if it wasn’t for that I would not have made it through.

Relatives of other ICU patients gave me references and contacts & tried to keep me strong with stories about how their loved ones overcame COVID-19, trying to arrange a cylinder for us, arranging injections that I could not, and even looking out for my husband when I had to be out of the hospital for running errands and arranging stuff.  

People who sent meals/food for us while we were at the hospital, people who drove us on the day we were searching for a hospital, people who ran from one place to another to check on beds, people who sent medicines for me as I was also down with fever, people who opened their doors for me and let me stay with them, people who called & messaged to continuously check in on my husband’s health. 

Some of my old school friends, seniors, hostel friends, colleagues that I had lost regular touch with – all the prayers and wishes pouring in from all of them has really touched my heart. A friend of a friend sent a cylinder at the hospital for my husband – no questions asked, no penny exchanged. 

Act of sheer kindness! Got a message from him a few days later checking in on my husband’s health. Did not even know his name, but what an impact his kindness had on us.

So, let’s also acknowledge all the goodness and kindness that we saw. Life is not fair and sometimes we do not get the best of it, but when we do, we should take a moment and appreciate it. After 15 days of battling for his life in the ICU, when my husband got discharged, I consider myself lucky and thank my stars and my God for sending such people my way – some known friends and a few unknown who touched my life in a way that they will never know!

Image source: An image from Pexels

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An HR professional by career , who loves to read, talk and connect with people. read more...

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