New Year, New Me Is The Thing Of The Past, Say New Year Better Me, With These 10 Promises!

All hail the new decade! And with it come new resolutions that will be broken. Do something different this time and promise yourself these 10 things!

All hail the new decade! And with it come new resolutions that will be broken. Do something different this time and promise yourself these 10 things!

Happy New Year! It is weird because it is the start of a brand new decade too. And if you are looking forward to a completely new phase of life from today, I got you!

Ever since our childhood, all the talks of resolutions made it difficult to keep track of what we could do and what was affordable for us. The thing is resolutions are binding, like a promise to yourself. But when you fail to keep them you feel bad.

So this year, nay this decade, let’s make a few tiny promises to ourselves. You can call them ‘resolutions’ if you want, but these are the promises that I want you to make this year.

New Rules, if I may. Let’s count it down together:

Bye-bye diet culture

Let’s leave this one behind. There has been a lot of body shaming, hating yourself for the way you look, holding your breath so your tummy looks flatter. It has also been a lot of diets, not eating favourite foods, or not eating at all. I think, it’s high time we stopped celebrating new diet routines and shaming people into making these resolutions.

This year, let’s learn to love our bodies, no matter what size they are!

Be smart with money

Money, even though it is really unfair, is a necessity. We have to make a promise to ourselves to not spend on things we don’t need.

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Fast fashion and Instagram culture asks us to wear a new outfit every day, but what are we really achieving? Nothing!

Imagine the things that money could do. So, save up for the things that you really want or need in life.

Take care of your health

It is important that we take total care of our bodies, after all, this is the only one we have. At the same time, it is also very very important for you to focus on your mental health.

If you need help, ask for it. Not sleeping, getting panic attacks and feeling hopeless is not a normal way of life and we must know that by now. Take a few precautions and don’t risk your health for ‘fun times’

Stay connected to friends

If there is one thing that can cure you on a bad day, it is the laughter that you share with your friends. So, no matter how busy life gets and no matter how much potential there is to lose touch, try not to.

Try calling them, sending them a few memes, texting them from time to time. Also don’t forget to check up on your friends. If someone isn’t the way they usually are, they might be going through a rough time and you should be there for them.

Cut off people who pull you down

There are people for you out there. People who’ll treat you with the love and respect that you deserve.

But there are also people who might not be treating you well. You don’t need these people in your life. It’s better to be lonely than in the company of toxic people.

Let’s make a promise to preserve our mental health from the damage that these people cause us. Instead, let us find people who cheer us up and don’t feel threatened by our accomplishments.

A little less screen time

Internet addiction is a real thing and most of us suffer from it without even realising. As I have learnt from the one week there was no cell service or electricity, we can in fact live without our mobiles.

Read more books, be more present and focused on what you like. Talk to people, take a walk, write more and live life.

Do more of what makes you happy

If it’s just chilling in the weekends with your PJs and Netflix, so be it. Or if it means, hanging out with your friends or working harder than usual because you like your job, do it.

Don’t feel ashamed for doing and liking things you do. It’s important to have fun too!

Sit down with your thoughts

It is extremely easy to block your emotions and go on a downward spiral to distract ourselves from these feelings. But it is very difficult to sit down with them. However, it is important to sit down with these thoughts because they might provide us with the answers we need from ourselves.

Sometimes, writing it down helps, crying it out, painting, dancing or even taking a walk. Whatever helps you gather your thoughts, do it and try to live by what we feel.

Be a little more responsible

Read up more about the issues around you, the environment, politics, women’s rights, human rights, casteism, politics. This helps you keep your eyes open and your brain interested in new ideas.

You have to have an open mind about topics and read up before forming your own opinions. Sometimes you’ll be standing alone but as long as you know why and what you are standing for, it is all okay.

Love yourself

It’s been said since the beginning of time and I used to think it’s such a cliche to keep saying it and thinking it is easy but it is not. Every year, I make this promise to myself.

And for a while, I stop criticising myself, I stay away from things that are hurtful and look into the mirror and try to smile at my reflection. It is a hard road to walk on. And it has been a while since I wanted to free myself of these demons. So, I make this promise to myself every year and hopefully, I am a little better than I was when I started.

I hope this decade treats you better and you get happier than you used to be. Instead of luxury self care tips, maybe we can take care of ourselves naturally.

Picture credits: Pexels

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