Underneath What You See, There’s A Person – Can You Hear Her?

Objectification of women. Just a body to many, with a face, a 'figure'. But no one really sees, or hears, the person inside. Do they?

Objectification of women. Just a body to many, with a face, a ‘figure’. But no one really sees, or hears, the person inside. Do they?

Enough with the unwanted glorification,

Those unfounded tales of sacrifice,

And sagas of selfless compromise.

The mythical epics,

The tolerant ladies and the mindless chicks.

Just stop burdening them,

With your preposterous fantasies,

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And let them be!

This relentless pressure of being like some ideal elder,

The incessant comparison with somebody,

who according to you, is better!

For once,

Let them decide what they wish to be!

If you aren’t aware,

Let me enlighten you,

The silky smooth hairless skin,

And the curvy breasts,

The long hair,

And the thin legs,

Chiseled rears,

Big dazzling eyes,

The petal shaped lips,

Absolutely perfect!

All of her,

Encapsulated into this glorious figure!

Underneath which,

There is a person just like you,

May be you haven’t encountered,

You muddle up nakedness for undressing,

Whereas, the intention of the entirety,

Is the idea of real meeting!

After unveiling the superficiality,

You would be astonished to learn,

Her dignity than her glamor, is grander,

By refuting her existence,

You question your own being.

By Objectifying,

You don’t compliment her.

But certainly,

You expose your cerebral capacity,

That you are limiting!

As excruciating as this is,

It is more pitiful indeed,

To learn,

You think of her as fragile and imbecile,.

This audacity in you,

Surely comes from your ignorance,

Ignorant about the strength she possesses,

And the courage she holds,

Without any chaos,

Just converse,

But Speak,

Only with the readiness to lend ears.

You must opine fearlessly about anything,

But hear her, when you are done speaking,

All she demands is to be heard,

Nor sympathetically, neither desperately,

All she expects is to be treated equally!

A version of this was first published here.

Image source: pixabay

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