‘The Good Girl’ – Tethered To Rules & Expectations

From the day a girl is born, she has several impositions put on her- right from how she talks to whom she talks to. Isn't it time we taught our girls to rebel?


From the day a girl is born, she has several impositions put on her- right from how she talks to whom she talks to. Isn’t it time we taught our girls to rebel?

From the moment I opened my eyes,

I felt a noose tied around my neck.

I couldn’t laugh aloud, play till dark or go far away,

And I didn’t understand why in the heck.

From the moment I opened my eyes,

I was told to obey the rules.

They said they are for your protection.

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And those who stray are mere fools

So, listen to me little girl,

Obey the rules like mute mules.

From the moment I opened my eyes,

I was told my body is not mine,

It was meant to protected and preserved

For the one I’ll call my forever thine

From the moment I opened my eyes,

I believed everything I was told.

They were right I thought, so better not be bold.

So, I obeyed everyone, even the strangers.

And look at me now, lying charred

While my body is being searched for by the rangers.

From the moment I opened my eyes,

I wish..

I wish I was told I was equal to boys

And it was okay to rebel, just like the boys.

I wish I was told to not obey the elders

Especially whose hands wrongly lingers.

I wish I was told there was no knight in armour

Only heinous beasts disguised behind nasty ardor.

From the moment I opened my eyes,

till the moment I closed it

This world bogged me down

with what I never owed it.

But I demand you do better

for I have left a sister behind

And she deserves what for me you couldn’t secure

A future with safety, promise and a clear sky azure.

A version of this poem was earlier published here

Picture credits: Pexels

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