5 Truly Heartwarming, Positive And Inspiring Stories Published On Women’s Web In 2019

We need positive stories to keep up our belief in the human condition. Here are 5 of the many positive stories we shared with you, our readers, in 2019.

We need positive stories to keep up our belief in the human condition. Here are 5 of the many positive stories we shared with you, our readers, in 2019.

With so much that is going wrong in the world today, we also need to pick out the shining stars, the sunshine, that people can radiate from the goodness of their hearts, or from the inner drive that makes us strive even against odds, affirming our belief in humanity.

So here we bring you 5 of our best heartwarming stories, that focus on this. I do hope they bring the same joy to you that they have brought to so many of our readers who have read them this year.

So, without much ado, here goes.

I Did My MBBS & MD Through Marriage, Pregnancy, Kids… And They’re Proud Of Me!

As women, we all know how marriage can often change the course of our lives, and in a patriarchal society, women are often dealt a sore hand. But there are some among us who do not let a life altering change like marriage and motherhood define who we really are, who we really can be. Because as much as all that is important to us, continuing to follow our dreams and reaching our life goals is just as important.

A go getter who took marriage, pregnancy, and childcare in her stride as she did two professional degrees, and a fulfilling career as a gynaecologist, while also being a single mom most of the time as an army wife, this mom is inspiring!

Aruna Menon, or to give her her full title, Brigadier Aruna Menon begins her piece by giving us this piece of news, “I got married 2 weeks before my Final MBBS exam and that sort of set the pace for the rest of my life.”

Read the whole inspiring story here.

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Sisters-In-Law By Chance, Friends By Choice; 5 Women Share Their Sisterhood Stories

Sisters in law. The very relationship has layers, of various emotions. In a society like ours, women often draw their power from perpetuating patriarchy further, and the husband’s sister could well be an adversary. But some women are bucking this trend.

Tanvi Sinha spoke to 5 pairs of sisters in law, or as we say in daily soaps on TV, nanad- bhabhi. The relationships of these 5 pairs are, however, very far from the average soap opera. These are uplifting true stories of sisterhood, that grows by having each others’ backs, and helping each other through hard times.

Read these stories here.

With A Punjabi Mom And Tamilian MIL, My Home Has Been A (Fun) Cocktail Of Cultures!

Very ‘filmy, right? But this is real life! One can only imagine how some everyday situations could have been – mutual respect despite a difference in cultures marks this lovely relationship, which thrives despite the (hilarious) hiccups along the way!

Prerna Wahi writes here about her North-South Indian family. As a Punjabi married to a Tamilian, some mix-ups occur due to a differing life-view that the two families have, but, as the author says, “the answer lies in their mutual respect for each other and acceptance and appreciation of their differences. Mom admires the Tamilian simplicity, rich culture, and appreciation of small things. Amma on the other hand is inspired by the Punjabi larger-than-life celebrations, jovial nature and spirit to live in the moment.”

Read this 2 States type real story here.

6 Ways In Which Being More ‘Selfish’ Has Made Me A Happier Person

Huh?! Selfish people are not nice people, right? But sometimes it becomes essential to be more considerate of one’s self, to draw some boundaries, and be fair to oneself, to really feel happy and fulfilled. As long as this selfishness does not act to do harm to others, we all have a right to look out for ourselves first.

The author, Ruchi, speaks of how it has made life so much better for her, making her a more positive, happier person.

Read her story here.

NZ Speaker Feeds Baby During Debate, Sets Heartwarming Example For Change In Gender Roles

And the 5th story we share here is a truly extraordinary one.

Being a parent is something special, but every chore related to a newborn is often the responsibility of women. It’s the mom who feeds the newborn, cradles the baby and changes the diapers at certain intervals. Sometimes the role is taken over by a grandmom or maybe a domestic helper, but never a male counterpart most of the times!

The Speaker in the New Zealand Parliament, Trevor Mallard, broke this stereotype in a very impressive way, by holding the baby of one of the law-makers, and even feeding it with a bottle, while the law-maker herself took part in a Parliamentarian debate! If only other influencers around the world followed this example.

Read this extraordinary story here.

Image source: unsplash

Do share your positive stories with us too – to do so, read this.

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About the Author

Sandhya Renukamba

In her role as the Senior Editor & Community Manager at Women's Web, Sandhya Renukamba is fortunate to associate every day with a whole lot of smart and fabulous writers and readers. A doctor read more...

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