My Husband Is Definitely My Better Half – He Is Trying To Be Better For Me

Calling the husband your better half is a cliche, for sure. However, the author has some wonderful reasons to do so. Here are a few of them.

Calling the husband your better half is a cliche, for sure. However, the author has some wonderful reasons to do so. Here are a few of them.

While we are busy registering the facts that women are being abused and harassed in the name of marriage, I do have some positive news. I am someone who recently got married.

Credits to the way I was brought up and courtesy to the bad shades of men that I met in my life, I did not have much respect toward men. Thanks to my marriage and my husband, now I know that men deserve loads of respect and gratitude from women.

I agree we have a ton of work to be done to make this society friendly for a married working woman. It is a fact that we will have to travel miles before we reach our destination. However, let us stop for a moment and just observe how far we have come. I can see men changing.

The changing husband…

Well, I know my husband for a decade. He slowly emerged into a man from the boy. Now he has all the age old characteristics of how a typical man should be. I can’t help but admire his change. What a change over me!

Coming to the facts, my husband who had not done a single house-hold chore before our marriage, now understands that I need help. He has taken charge of the bathroom cleaning work. And offers to help every time he sees me cooking.

He comes and stands with me when he sees me cooking in the kitchen. And understands that I need rest after coming home from a long work day. He understands that I need sleep too. And that I can’t keep cooking all the time. He also understands that I’ll not be able to complete all the house hold chores by myself.

He “understands”

The reason why I am repeating the word “understands” is that, it is a great leap we have achieved in the long run. I, now, respect him. No, not because he doesn’t expect me to work all the time, but because he understands how I feel.

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This understanding was something that we could rarely see in men from our parents’ generation. I see the same level of understanding and working men lending their hand in everything that their women at home do.

Believe me, men, it makes me feel immensely happy to have you guys share what we go through.

Yes, this understanding and partnership is still lacking in some part of the millennial population. However, that doesn’t stop me from feeling grateful about the change we have witnessed.

On behalf of all the women, thanks you men, for being real our better halves! Thanks for being there for us. Though we pray for the betterment in the society, it is you who are bringing about the change and making it happen.

Picture credits: Pexels

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About the Author

Sivaranjani Prashanth

I am a working in a private concern. I am very much interested in expressing my views through my words. read more...

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