Please Lift The Curfew Imposed On Kashmir

I wish there was some way that to justify this madness but there isn't. There is simply no pretext on which our Government could have let this happen to its own people.

It has been 57 days since Kashmir was pushed into the dark ages. It was put under house arrest with no way to communicate with the outside world. Internet was shut down. Shops were closed. Hospitals made inaccessible.

There was an earthquake a few days back in Pakistan and Kashmir was affected by it but we don’t know how bad the situation is because the Government is in no mood to lift the curfew.

I wish there was some way that to justify this madness but there isn’t. There is simply no pretext on which our Government could have let this happen to its own people. This is not how democracies behave. Most of us have no clue about what’s going on there and to tell you the truth I don’t want to find out. Because it’s going to be worse than I could have imagined.

You hear news of people being detained and kept in jails for no reason.

You hear news of deaths due to lack of medical facilities.

You hear news of children being shot at using pellet guns because they dared to protest.

You hear of the trauma that people are going through since they can’t find about the condition of their relatives in that state.

You hear news of journalists not being allowed to talk to people of that state.

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And then you don’t want to hear anything more.

Heartbreaking as it may be, our Prime Minister is being treated like a messiah for taking away the rights of his fellow citizens. And his party is expected to win the upcoming elections because of what he has done with Kashmir.

No one knows what’s going to happen once the curfew is lifted. And to be honest no one really wants to. Because deep down we all understand that there is a limit to which you can oppress someone. The only sane thing to do now would be to lift the curfew and allow them to at least get back to some sort of normalcy.

First published here.

Image via Youtube


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Writing is my therapy. It helps me make sense of this world. read more...

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