For All Millennial Moms… Let No One Judge For They Do Not Know

As every mother will agree, every one of us choses what works best for us, and no one outside ourselves has any business judging us. This holds even more true for millennial moms...

As every mother will agree, every one of us choses what works best for us, and no one outside ourselves has any business judging us. This holds even more true for millennial moms…

Dear millennial mom,

How hard you worked to get where you were
But gave it up when you became a mother
Following your own heart, you did so
Let no one judge for they do not know

C-Sec it was, no need to explain
Or normal delivery with equal pain
It was your body, you did so
Let no one judge for they do not know

You fed your child for long
Or used milk and formula along
Understanding your child, you did so
Let no one judge for they do not know

You made your baby sleep alone
Or beside you in the bed of your own
Knowing your child, you did so
Let no one judge for they do not know

You went back to work
To pursue an ambition, no job did you shirk
Making your own choice, you did so
Let no one judge for they do not know

You chose to have a second one
Or decided after one you are done
Between husband and wife, you did so
Let no one judge for they do not know

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You left your child with family
Or sent them to day care daily
Deciding what’s good you did so
Let no one judge for they do not know

You let them have too much fun
Or are harsh and strictness overdone
With care and love, you did so
Let no one judge for they do not know

You did your best
Juggling different roles without rest
Three cheers to you, we owe
Let no one judge for they do not know

Another millennial mom

Author’s note – It’s time we stop judging and respect each other’s decision. We don’t know what prompted others’ actions. Every parent does what’s best for them and their child, given their circumstances. Let’s be there to support, not judge!

A version of this was first published here.

Image source: shutterstock

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About the Author

Prerna Wahi

Prerna Wahi worked in the corporate world for 7 years. In the past few years, she has been a stay-at-home mom. She has been enjoying the new role ever since and likes to read more...

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