Dating Again; ‘Coz I Love Myself First!

This very visual poetry says, that when a woman begins to value herself and think of her own happiness too, miracles do happen!

This very visual poetry says, that when a woman begins to value herself and think of her own happiness too, miracles do happen!

It’s quarter to eight, he ain’t coming,
He shouldn’t be this late, “I’ll just make it MY evening”

So I headed to the closet and picked out my dress,
My favorite one it must be, the black satin
where the roses are redder than red,
And while I was at it, I pouted at the mirror,
And let the velvet lipstick do me her favor.

A few moments later, it was the 3 of us
My wine, my music, and me of course.
As my hips swayed and the notes floated through the air,
And my shoulders kissed my loose curls of hair,
I was in love,
in that moment right there.
Perching myself on the moonlit window,
I wrote in my notebook,
“I am beautiful
And oh silver night, so are you”.

Then when I turned, I got the start of my life.
He was right there, right in front of my eyes.
“Hell no! how did you get here” said me, quite aghast
“They don’t call me happiness for nothin’, baby”,
When you invite me… I will show up

I got here when you picked out that dress,
You do look quite something with those roses that are redder than red,
And to your favorite song when you tuned in,
I said to myself, It’s time to settle in.
And when your hips began to sway,
I decided I wasn’t going away, well not tonight anyway.
I’ll be here whenever you tune into you,
I’ll be here when you dance your dance,
I’ll be here when to experience bliss,
You give yourself a chance…

“Fine”, I said settling in beside him,
“I guess you will be staying for dinner then”.
….And that’s how happiness and I started dating again.

A version of this was first published on the author’s Facebook page.

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Image source: a still from the movie Manmarziyaan

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