Dance With Me, For Better Or Worse…

"Dance with me," says the poet, following a beautiful metaphor through the entire poem, to life and things that happen when we have a partner.

“Dance with me,” says the poet, following a beautiful metaphor through the entire poem, to life and things that happen when we have a partner.

Our eyes met, the music played,
And before we knew it, we were dancing
Our eyes locked into a gaze,
with passion ablaze, we were dancing.

I’ve danced before, but this music is new
Let’s start with one step at a time;
Sometimes I’ll take the lead
And sometimes, you.

When the music gets fast,
Let’s remember, one step at a time
I’ll match your rhythm
And you match mine

Sometime you’ll need to be close
Real close, till my earrings brush against your face
Sometimes I’ll need you to step away
I like my place in the spotlight, I like to twirl away

Oh look! The little ones tugging at my dress,
Let’s embrace them as we do the two-step,
A bit of chaos, interesting nonetheless,
Until they’re ready to fly off from our nest

And when the music slows down
Your wrinkled arms wrapped around my frail waist,
Our vision too weak to stay locked in a gaze,
Feel me with your heart, I’ll just be one step away,
Dancing with you till we call it a day.

So, my love, on this dance floor of life,
where it can be tough for two imperfect dancers to keep the beat,
For better or worse,
Will you dance with me?

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Image source: pexels

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