Chandrayaan-2: A Mission That Mattered Despite Not Reaching The Whole Goal

Chandrayaan-2 might might be castigated by some as a failure, but the author says it is important nonetheless. Here's why.

Chandrayaan-2 might might be castigated by some as a failure, but the author says it is important nonetheless. Here’s why.

It was past midnight. As the graph descended and stopped, I had a lump in my throat. Soon it turned into small tears making its way towards my cheeks dampening my nose. I desperately needed to talk to someone who could possibly understand my feelings. It was important to deal with this emotional stress.

Yes, Pragyan could not make it to the moon’s surface. The workstation stopped receiving signal from the Rover. The graph had almost settled and the entire nation was ready to jump with joy but the most unexpected fear surfaced reality.

In those split seconds, I wished for the superpower cape like I did as a child, when I often prayed to fly and be invisible. Today, I wanted to fly and fix the issue and make the robot work on the moon’s surface. But I had to accept the fact like all those scientists at ISRO and the Indians praying for its success.

Was I being carried away by the emotions?

Being one from engineering, technology and satellite research background, I deeply understand the devotion of the ISRO team towards Chandrayaan- 2 as well as the government’s effort to turn it into reality.

My friend exclaimed that I was being carried away by emotions. We will achieve it next time. That there are more sensitive issues like GDP, drought, environment that need our attention. That it is all political posturing and propaganda to keep away our citizens from the real day to day problems.

That was the moment I walked away silently. How can anyone be so enduringly pessimistic? Moreover, how can that person overlook the effort of the organisation and the government backing it up?

I wanted to explain to her that these were my genuine emotions. I wanted to let her know that the unsuccessful mission cost us a hefty amount. And moreover, we are not fools to close our eye to day to day issues.

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Why can’t we support ISRO, just for now?

Dear us, we are all surrounded by problems and the counting would never stop. During that time, do we not need to extend our support to the most needed cause?

What is so political here?

So I want to say, criticism, please take a back seat. Today it is about empathy and motivation.

Chandrayaan – 2 has introduced many new technologies and chose a new orbital path. The landing was due on South Pole and the Rover, Pragyan, was simulated with a novel landing technology. It did not work.

But the mission did not fail entirely. We have Vikram orbiting in the moon’s orbit.

I believe our scientists will locate the flaws and find a way to fix it. Soon.

Stand with them. Stay by their side. Among all the problems, it is the day about our scientists, technicians the Indians who worked restlessly to fill the void with information and discovery.

Till that day, we will wait and pray for the success.

Picture credits: YouTube 

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About the Author

Shilpee Prasad

A space tech lover, engineer, researcher, an advocate of equal rights, homemaker, mother, blogger, writer and an avid reader. I write to acknowledge my feelings. read more...

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