A Mom Who Yearns To Spend More Time With Her Child

Mothers are forever wrecked in guilt that they are not able to spend enough time with their children. The author feels 'time' is the best gift a parent could give a child.

Mothers are forever wrecked in guilt that they are not able to spend enough time with their children. The author feels ‘time’ is the best gift a parent could give a child.

On the occasion of Children’s Day, I thought of gifting something to my daughter. Almost half a day of dedicatedly wrecking my brains, I concluded “TIME” would be the best gift, that she would adore.

My dear daughter, ever since you turned 6 months old, I know I left you in the hands of a trusted nanny and through all the playgroups and your toys and gadgets, you still despised me leaving the house, and greeted me with an amazing smile when I would come back.

I have always felt guilty of not being able to give you enough time, though I try as much as possible even if it means having a really busy weekend. I still try beyond my energies to keep up with your demands!

My afternoon naps are always disturbed by your incessant questions and requests to tell you a story and still, it’s my favourite place to be!

I have to confess something. Slowly you are growing up to be this lovely person and it reinstates my faith in my capabilities as a parent. During my last vacation, I got to know you a little better. You have developed an amazing fashion sense and influenced me too during all our shopping trips.

Your faith in my strength as a mom, is getting stronger and your belief, that I can make everything right for you, makes me feel stronger than ever. In you, I have found a perfect companion, who shares my interests of exploring and satiating my curiosity by exploring what this world has to offer.

Everytime I see you smile I am filled with surreal energy. Hope you don’t let the twinkle in your eyes dwindle with the expectations of this world.
 I love you my little girl and more than you, I love the time I spend with you because it helps me to connect with myself.

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