Siblings And Beyond

The author pens a poem which is not just about her sibling but all those who mean as much to her – her cousins, friends like family and of course siblings in law! 

The author pens a poem which is not just about her sibling but all those who mean as much to her – her cousins, friends like family and of course siblings in law!

 Relationship of a sibling to sibling

Is a cocktail of love and quibbling

Always there for each other,

A delightful sister or brother.


First and dearest are our own,

For, in life, one’s never again alone.

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Talking from dusk to dawn,

Sharing joys or lending a shoulder to cry on.


Next are kids of uncles and aunts,

Important like sun to plants.

What’s a childhood without them.

Imagine a tree without stem.


Then come some special friends,

Colouring all the important ends.

They are ones you pick by choice,

Those who can hear your inner voice.


And finally are the ‘in laws’,

Who accept you despite all flaws.

Over time this bond becomes so strong,

It feels you’ve known them long.


A sibling loves you from the heart,

Never to be drawn apart.

They make up a person’s family,

And help live life happily.


Author’s note: I would love to hear your thoughts on my poem and what you like to say about each of these special ‘siblings’ in your life.

Image Source: Pexels

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About the Author

Prerna Wahi

Prerna Wahi worked in the corporate world for 7 years. In the past few years, she has been a stay-at-home mom. She has been enjoying the new role ever since and likes to read more...

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