4 Quick Workouts You Can Do In Your Bathroom To Save Time

Most people who do not workout give the excuse of time, space and equipment not being available. If you are guilty of this excuse, here is a quick workout routine that do not need much of each.

Most people who do not workout give the excuse of time, space and equipment not being available. If you are guilty of this excuse, here is a quick workout routine that do not need much of each.

Just when you are about to hit the shower, you can squeeze in an exercise routine that will save you time and money. No fancy gym equipment, no large space for the workouts and, best of all, you will be done in 10 minutes.

Below is the routine you can employ. At first, some of the exercises may seem hard to do. You may even feel like giving up. However, if you keep at it, you will reap the results in no time.

Glute bridge

For this exercise, you will need to put in ten reps for the proper effect. Lie on your back with your feet flat on the floor and knees bent naturally. Slowly squeeze your glutes while raising your hips to attain a horizontal straight line from the chest to the upper part of the thighs. Hold this position for three seconds then lower the hips to the original position. This is one rep.

Start again until you have done ten of these reps. This exercise targets the glutes which are the muscles running from your waist at the back down to the thighs.

Single-leg RDL

This exercise only requires six reps in this program. Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms at your side, palms open. Start moving one leg backwards as the upper part of the body (waist upwards) goes forward.

As the leg goes back and the torso goes forward, stretch your arms forward with the palms open. Keep going until you have a straight line formed from the tip of your fingers to the leg stretched backwards.

Ensure you do not bend the knees to obtain a stretching effect on the whole body.

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Hold this position for three seconds then start with the other foot. With together make 1 rep. Repeat 6 times.

Mixed pushups

You will need to do 10 reps of pushups in total. However, instead of doing a single type of push-up, you will mix them up. The best choice is to do five pushups of one type then five of another type.

Among the many types of pushups available are regular pushups, plyometric pushups, Spider-Man pushups, cross body pushups, diamond pushups, single legged pushups, pushups with rotation, star pushups, toe touch pushups, pike pushups, wall pushups, dive bomber pushups, and many others.

Some of these pushups take a while to learn and will thus require that you know them before including them in your workout regime.


With lunges, start with your feet hip-width apart then take a step backward until one knee is approximately an inch off the ground. Pull the foot back to standing position. This is a backward lunge.

You can do a normal forward lunge by starting from the same position and lunging forward with one foot until the stagnant leg’s knee is an inch off the ground. You need to do ten reps of either type of lunge (five for each foot).

When carrying out these lunges, keep the upper body as upright as possible to have maximum effect on your body. Also, lunge as far forward as reasonably possible to add a stretching effect.

Why you should follow this program

With this exercise routine, you will be done in just ten minutes. As you may have noticed, there are no dumbbells or other gym equipment to slow you down. In fact, the workout uses the weight of your body to exercise.

With 10 minutes of this workout each day, you will notice a change on your body weight analysis scale the next time you step on it. These types of exercises can also be done anywhere as they require very little space. You don’t need to dedicate a whole room to working out with them.

Also, you will have no trouble with your neighbors when you work out as they are quiet exercises generating very little noise. If you have been in an apartment where your upper floor neighbor is a gym freak, you know the trouble associated with working out when those below you require peace.

Simple as they sound, these exercises work out a majority of the muscles in your body. You don’t want to be unbalanced in any way when you work out.

Image source: shutterstock

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Monica Gill

Monica a self-driven person and loves to spend her leisure time reading interesting books that come her way. She is passionate about writing and collecting new books. She believes in hard work and it read more...

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